One Night Surprise

One Night Surprise Chapter 415

Chapter 415 Seemingly Forever Ago

“What am I supposed to tell him if he asks about you when I give the necklace back?”

“Tell him that I gave it to you before I left, but you just forgot about it all this time.”

“That works, I guess.” Cameron sighed helplessly. “At first, I thought that leaving Alexander alone in Melrose City until he’s a graying old man was a good punishment for him, considering how he treated you. But now that you told me that Elijah is getting married and it’s not to you, I just think that it’ll be better for you to go back to Melrose. I thought that you and Elijah would get together.”

Courtney rolled her eyes at Cameron. “How many times did I tell you? My relationship with Elijah is like that of two survivors—two people understanding and helping each other. There really isn’t anything else to it, but you won’t believe me.”

“I believe you now,” Cameron said as she fiddled with the velvet box. “Now that I think about it, Elijah was kind and caring toward you, and he thought of everything for you. But the problem is, he did everything for you. He doesn’t have the same kind of burning determination. If you compare them that way, Alexander’s the more sincere one.”

Courtney stared at her in astonishment.

Cameron was left a little discomfited by the stare, so she moved away from it. “Don’t look at me like that; I only realized that later. He used to be so bad-tempered. Like, he’d see something, take it at face value, and lose his temper. Now that I think about it, when you left, Alexander—thinking that you had gone back to the States—actually went chasing after you there. After a long while, I heard that he met with Elijah. I have no idea what Elijah said to him, but he went back right after that. He hasn’t mentioned looking for you since then.”

It had only been around three months since then. Hearing Cameron talk about it though suddenly made Courtney feel like it had happened forever ago. However, she didn’t beat herself up over it.

were close with each other—like any other married couple—if Cameron went home late,

lingered in one’s mind, it was always hard to forget about the times one spent together with their significant other. Once those memories had been relegated to being things of the past, however, time would heal their wounds. Perhaps they might still love them, or maybe miss them, but they would finally be able to let go

years later, at East Melrose, spring arrived at the Duncan Residence. The weather was still chilly from the remnants of winter. The servants rushed in and out of the premises like they

He then caught sight of Fiona, who was harvesting vegetables in the yard. He frowned. “Why are you helping in the kitchen again, Madam Fiona? We have enough servants for this.

hands never stopped harvesting. She smiled gently. “I feel bored sitting around doing nothing, and it’s been such a long time since Oliver came to visit. He loves my dumpling soup. Those vegetable dumplings have to be freshly made for maximum deliciousness. The chefs

Oliver is in the army, and Young Master Alexander is always out on business trips with Little Master Jordan. Miss Hannah is studying overseas, and Old Master Duncan doesn’t like to leave the house due to his illness.

about them.” Fiona’s smile grew a little sadder, but it was still warm and kind. “And besides, aren’t they all coming home today? Oliver’s even bringing

produces an heir or two for the Duncan Family, that will fulfill all of Old Master Duncan’s hopes.

them. There’s no point in me worrying about them. The old man is simply looking for some form of company

chances to meet up due to their army duties. It was rare of them to pay

had reunited at last for dinner. Scott was beside himself with joy

headstrong man. If he said that he wanted to drink, then no

Soon, the low voice of a young boy rang out. “Great-Grandpa, today, you’ll have a

to be about twelve, dressed in a plaid vest. His complexion was clear and unblemished, and although his face still bore the childishness of youth, his eyes

boy finished, all the guests chuckled

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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