One Night Surprise

One Night Surprise Chapter 433

Chapter 433 Help Me to Locate This Phone

When Alexander and Caleb’s eyes met, they exchanged sharp looks with each other almost at that moment.

“This is a final decision that the board of directors has made. Don’t tell me you’re turning your nose up at their decision, Mr. Menzie? Or, is it because you’re not content with the mere position of chief executive of the legal department?” Alexander’s sentence was a trap for Caleb and whichever option Caleb chose, it was a case of damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t.

However, he wasn’t someone that should be underrated either. Maybe it was because he had a straightforward personality or he enjoyed dealing with the riskier side of things. Then, he frowned inconspicuously and calmly mentioned, “Everyone has their own goals. I honestly don’t crave this position since this isn’t what I came here for. As for what the board of directors have decided, well, President Duncan, you don’t have to worry about explaining things to them. I’ll sort things out with my dad.”

There were a few people who gasped in disbelief at Caleb’s elaboration since it was an obvious act of contempt toward Alexander. Despite the truth of Alexander being the president of Sunhill Enterprise, were all of his actions vetted and restricted by the board of directors?

In the end, the meeting ended abruptly whereupon everyone collected their belongings and quickly dashed out of the meeting room. The only ones left were Alexander and his personal assistant as well as Caleb, who took his time to gather his items.

Then, Alexander glanced at Caleb. “Mr. Menzie, are you free now? Let’s grab lunch together.”

“I’ve made plans with someone.” Caleb didn’t even bother to lift his head as he was focused on shoving his belongings into his bag. “I’ve applied for time off for this afternoon, which human resources have since approved.”

“What plans do you have?” Alexander stared at him. “I recall Director Menzie telling me that you hardly go out during the weekends. Even if you do, you would usually be at the library or attending urgent court hearings.”

It so happened that Caleb had collected all of his belongings. Then, he lifted his head and he slung his bag on his shoulder while solemnly replying, “I have a blind date.”

Suddenly, Alexander’s expression stiffened. This is the second time today that I’ve heard this!

“My friend has arranged for me to go on a blind date. I’m supposed to meet up with the other person for lunch, so I won’t be able to take you up on your offer. Let’s have lunch together next time then. It’ll be my treat.” After Caleb said that, he turned around to leave the place without a backward glance.

Subsequently, Eric quickly scrutinized Alexander and regretted his decision after being shocked by what he saw.

He came up with such a crap excuse to reject Presiden Duncan’s invitation for lunch! Blind date?! He’s obviously well

Why don’t we have lunch together

expression darkened even more. It didn’t even look like he wanted to leave after that. Shortly after that, he made a call with a cold expression in front of Eric. “Gale, I need you to locate the location of this phone

making her way

where the furnishings were acceptable, but it didn’t leave a strong impression either. Nonetheless, it looked exactly as how a French restaurant should resemble—each booth wasn’t far apart from each other, so everyone spoke in hushed voices and combined with the music from the live band,

the other person was finally here, but he

suit and holding a briefcase stood next to her table. From the looks of it, it was obvious that he had just rushed over

she lifted her head and saw that he was a fresh-faced and slim man with a coolly

her height and glanced at him tentatively. “You must be Mr.

for her to take her seat. “I’m sorry, but there was a last-minute meeting at the office earlier that held me back. Sorry for making you wait. As a token of my apology, it’ll be my treat for

was an unspoken rule for a man to treat a lady on their date. However, one couldn’t completely rule out the possibility of meeting a peculiar date who requested

itinerary, he had allowed for some leeway. Maybe if they enjoyed each other’s company, they could even

that Linda wasn’t the one here. Judging by his good looks, she wouldn’t lose out on anything if

ordered your

prepare it later with your order, so take your time. There’s

the caregiver whom Nurse Simmons had referred was lovely. My mom also felt a connection with Nurse Simmons and that was why she pushed for

such a gentleman! Courtney tried hard to suppress the swell of regret that surfaced in her mind. Then, she willed herself and tightly balled her fist before replying with a forced smile, “I wasn’t offended. In fact, a blind date can be considered as a fast track into entering a relationship. Each of us can frankly reveal our good traits and subsequently aim for marriage. If we find each other to be

was slightly taken aback as he didn’t expect her to be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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