Outcast: The Alpha King's Beloved

Chapter 246: Talk With Mandy 

Daniel's POV: 

After they put Helen in jail, I went to see her quite often because I couldn't help worrying about her.

The pitiful look in her eyes broke my heart.I had to find a way to prove Helen's innocence as soon as possible.I couldn't let her continue to suffer in jail.

Thinking of this, I turned around and walked to the cell where Mandy was being kept.I thought that perhaps she would be able to give me some useful information.

"Daniel! Daniel, you're finally here.I'm so scared.Please don't leave me here!"

As soon as I stood outside her cell, Mandy rushed to me at once, crying and begging desperately.

I was utterly shocked to find her in such a state.


I frowned as there was nothing I could do for her.

"Daniel, please get me out of here.I don't want to be locked up here!"

Mandy's voice rose to a shrill cry, attracting the attention of the prison guards.

"Mandy, stop whining and listen to me.I need to ask you something.Why did you give the perfume to Helen?"

I looked at Mandy coldly.

"You'd better tell me the truth now because sooner or later it's going to come out.If you help me now, I will plead for you and ask my mother to lessen your sentence."

"I didn't give her any perfume!"

Mandy looked away and refused to admit it.

"If you don't tell me the truth, I can't help you get out of here."

I held the bars of the cell and roared angrily.

"Come on, Daniel.I'm not a fool."

Mandy curled her lips.

"Do you really think that I don't know what you're trying to do? You never cared about me! You just want to save Helen! Well, guess what? I won't help you unless you promise to be with me instead!"

I stared at Mandy in stunned disbelief.

Mandy, what are you talking

clenched my fist

holding on to that silly dream of yours? We don't love each other.Why would

years, but Helen took you away from me.You're the one who is being ridiculous! I'm so much better than she is.I

like they were about to pop out from their

don't have feelings for Devin,


Mandy, please stop pursuing me.I'm already in


Mandy burst into laughter.

to change your mind, I might as well drag Helen down to

an unreasonable woman! I slammed my clenched fist

didn't have to patience to put up with her nonsense, so I turned around and

of her laughter echoed

room, I racked my brain to come up with a solution, but I couldn't think

to ask my friends for

Jennifer and Jerome, but after checking the time, I decided to contact them tomorrow morning.I didn't want to disturb them at such a

couldn't let my

Mandy's POV: 

regret what I

foolish of me to get on his bad side.I should have played nice and begged him to get me out first.I fell on the floor helplessly, staring at the wall

do? No one

Helen, she would be released without charge, while I

mere thought of this

known that this would happen, I

and Daniel from

be a good

remembered that my cell phone was taken away

I growled


I suddenly


saw him standing outside the

over to him and said,

"I can't do that."


is still locked up.Just stay put and



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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