Outcast: The Alpha King's Beloved

Chapter 83: Looking For Tony 

Daniel's POV: 

Two days ago, I received a message from Skylar while I was training on Marge Island.She bid me goodbye because she was going to the Rainbow Pack with Dylan.I didn't understand why she was leaving Marge Island all of a sudden, so I asked her about it.

It was only then that she explained that Jennifer had to go the Rainbow Pack on a mission, and that she and Dylan were going along to protect her.

Upon hearing Skylar's reply, I couldn't help but worry.After probing her about the matter, I finally learned about the whole situation.

It turned out that at the royal banquet, Alpha Arthur of the Rainbow Pack had appeared, along with his daughter, Ella.

The two of them had accused Jennifer of being a jinx and asked her to leave Anthony.

In order to prove her innocence, Jennifer had to go back to the Rainbow Pack to find out the truth.

When I learned the whole situation, I was filled with complicated emotions.

I used to have a crush on Jennifer.

But over time, I found out that she and Anthony really loved each other.

They were a perfect match.

Therefore, I convinced myself to give up on her, and blessed them a happy future in my heart.

But no matter what, I still thought of Jennifer as my best friend.

Whenever she needed help, I wanted to be there for her.

Now that Jennifer was going back to the Rainbow Pack, I was really worried about her safety, so I decided to follow her there.

I didn't meet the trio until I arrived at the airport.

I was glad to see the pleasant surprise in Jennifer's eyes.

Today morning, Skylar and Dylan didn't come out of the room.

After discussing with each other, Jennifer and I decided to go into the room to wake them up.

The sight in front of us made my jaw drop in shock.

Dylan and Skylar were asleep in each other's arms, and their clothes were scattered all over the floor.

‘’Are they going to get married soon?’’ I wondered.

It was exciting news, but I felt so embarrassed that I quickly shuffled out of the room.

After a while, Jennifer walked out of the room too.

She smiled and raised her eyebrows at me. 

"Daniel, you know what? My idiot brother has finally seen the light," Jennifer announced with a relieved look.

he and Skylar get married as soon as possible. I can't wait to attend their

Looking at the smile on

have something to tell you." There was no

alone with Jennifer like this.I decided to just

say it.We're good friends.You can be straightforward." Seeing me hesitate, Jennifer

is, I used to

finally plucked up the courage to tell her everything on

just a friend.I even thought about expressing my love to you and trying to be your

eyes widened

say anything for a

I sincerely wish you two a happy marriage.I could have kept

will always be my friend," Jennifer said, looking into my eyes

"That will never change."

you mind that I used to have

said it was in the past, right? In that case, why should I mind?" Jennifer smiled and shook

believe you will find your

"Thank you."

kind words filled my heart with warmth.Mate was so precious a

and I also couldn't wait

getting closer and closer by

my destined mate?

Jennifer's POV: 

I heard Daniel's


always be

wished that he would find his own

four of us packed up and

the children of the previous Alpha of the

recognized by anyone, we

had instructed Dylan to

of Skylar pestering him all the time, he had shown

after learning about this trip, Daniel had joined

of us were in

decided to find

Anthony's right-hand assistant, Dylan was good at prying information out

learned that there was indeed an elder who had the gift of

His name was Tony.

figure, and the only lead we

to find

lived in the west of the

west was mostly grassland, which was relatively

difficult to

I ganged up to tease Dylan

marry Skylar? How many children are you going to have?"

Jennifer and I are looking forward to seeing your children.I will give your first child a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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