Outcast: The Alpha King's Beloved

Chapter 211: The Shrewish Mandy 

Daniel's POV: 

After seeing Jennifer off, Helen, Skylar, Jerome, and I went back to the Rainbow House.

"Daniel, how long are you going to stay here this time?" Skylar asked.

"We are going to stay a little longer this time because Helen misses her father very much.I should also pay my future father-in-law a visit."

I looked at Helen next to me, and she held my hand with a sweet smile on her face.

"You'd better get married as soon as possible.We're looking forward to attending your wedding as well," Jerome said, winking at me playfully.

"You won't have to wait long," I answered and raised an eyebrow at him.

"I also want to marry Helen as soon as possible." Helen lowered her head shyly at my words.

"That's good news! We can't wait," Skylar and Jerome chimed in together.

Before long, we parted ways with them and went back to our room.Helen took out her phone to check for messages.Her voice rose with excitement as she said, "Ah, Dad sent me a message.He wants me to bring you home for dinner tonight!"

I was going to contact Simon in person, but the fact that he took the initiative to invite me made me very happy.Did it mean that Simon had agreed to me marrying his daughter? 

"I must make a good impression on your father," I said, hugging Helen happily.

"Honey, we have to get your father a gift before we meet him.Will you please help me pick out something nice for him?"

"You won't need my help, because as long as it's a gift from you, my father will surely like it.Let's go now.I could use the walk,"

Helen said, nestling in my arms.

Helen and I spent the entire afternoon picking out a gift for Simon.

Eventually, we came across an expensive watch that caught my eye.I thought Simon would be very happy because Helen told me that her father preferred practical gifts.

In the evening, after changing into a formal suit, I took Helen to see her father.I couldn't help but feel nervous when Helen knocked at the door.

This was a rare feeling for me.I took a deep breath as I straightened my tie.

"Hey, Dad! Did you miss me? I've been staying in the Black Stone Pack lately."

Helen threw herself into Simon's arms like a spoiled child as soon as he opened the door to welcome us.I stood next to her with my back straight.

"Of course, I've missed you very much, my dear daughter!" Simon smiled with the look of a happy father in his eyes.

come in and have a seat.Thank you for taking care of

fulfilling my

walked inside, while I followed them

decorated, but it was a spacious place with simple furniture placed

photos of their family, complemented by the

was the reason behind Helen

Pack to look for Tony, I once stayed in a private


Simon, I have a gift for you.I hope

in the living room, I took out the gift box and handed it

lit up and he said, "This is a very thoughtful gesture from you,

you like it," I replied

be bribed so easily.If you don't treat Helen well, I won't let you go!" I could tell that

went around five shops before he bought this for you?"

promise to take good care of Helen, Elder Simon.I love Helen more than anything else in this

I'm relieved to hear that." Simon stared at me for a while before he nodded with

Helen's POV: 

such a long time, and having Daniel there with us was the icing

old family dining table, my father brought me a bowl of my favorite mushroom

it just the

of diminishing

the whole bowl.Please, have some

going to marry

the spot like that.My face turned red and I stole a glance

Helen very much.They want us to get married as soon as possible.I wish to marry Helen before Christmas.I hope you will be

"Good, very good."

around me and took a

thought that this day would come so quickly and now I don't want you to leave me.Tears welled up in

me from being your daughter.Besides, I'll visit you from time

smiled dotingly as he gave me a pat on

I will stay here for a few more days so that she can spend more time with you, Elder

father seemed deeply pleased by Daniel's

you should always be filial to Daniel's parents.You should look after everyone in the Black

will, Dad."

Dad insisted that Daniel stay at our home and so

talked to Dad for a while before we decided to head

to take a shower.Why don't you

winked at me as he took off

"Oh, Daniel!"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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