Outcast: The Alpha King's Beloved

Chapter 160: The Truth 

Jerome's POV:

When I heard from Jennifer that Linda and Nick went to the same hotel at the same time, I was naturally a little suspicious, so I went to the hotel with Jennifer and Anthony.

On the way there, I guessed that Linda and Nick might be more acquainted than I thought.

But the last thing I expected to see was them having sex.

It was downright ridiculous.

I had never imagined that she would do such a thing.

What was worse, their way of having sex was too obscene for me to swallow.It was fortunate that Anthony was waiting outside the room instead of coming in with us.

I didn't want him to see such a disgusting scene.Pressing my lips into a thin line, I asked Jennifer to go out.

"You'd better put on your clothes before you say anything,"

I told Linda coldly as I handed her the clothes on the floor to cover her bruised body.It was obvious that Linda had wild sex with Nick.

Standing there completely naked, she had marks all over her body from being whipped.

Even scarier was the fact that she was bleeding here and there.

When Jennifer and I walked into the room, Nick was holding a whip in his hand.

The two of them looked so vulgar at this moment that I didn't think it was appropriate for me to be present either, so after handing the clothes to Linda, I promptly left the room as well.

Jennifer, Anthony, and I waited outside for a while.

After making sure that Linda and Nick had gotten dressed, I walked back into the room, followed by Jennifer and Anthony.

Linda and Nick were kneeling on the floor, as if ready to beg for forgiveness.

As soon as she saw me, she burst into tears and crawled forward on her knees to grab my pants.

"Jerome, please trust me.Nick forced me into doing this.He said that if I didn't listen to him, he would kill me.I only did all this so that I could survive! Please give me another chance,"

Linda cried loudly, pointing an accusatory finger at Nick.

"Linda, after what I just witnessed, do you think that I will still trust you?" I asked in disgust, shaking off her hand.

"I won't believe a word of what you say anymore.So many years have passed since I last saw you, and it seems that you're no longer the woman I used to know.Now, every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie.Or maybe you haven't changed at all.I think this is the woman that you've always been.I made a mistake.I didn't see your true colors back then."

Ever since Linda reappeared in my life this time, I felt that her temperament and personality were completely different from before.

At first, I concluded that it must be because of all the difficulties that she had gone through in the past few years, which made me feel guilty and want to help her.

But now, I finally realized that it was not that Linda had changed, but that she had always been like this.

It was just that I had been blind to her true ways in the past.

Even after being shaken off by me, Linda still tried to crawl forward again to explain.

However, Jennifer stepped forward and blocked her away.

"What's going on? You'd better tell the truth.Otherwise, neither the prince nor I will

was cold and aggressive, forcing

fault.That bitch seduced me, asking me to fabricate the result of the paternity test.I can show you the real report.Please let

scared that

us the real report," I

out the real report of

it, she shook her head and

report, which clearly stated that Andy and I were not

imagined that you would be such a scheming woman.I

a fit of anger, I threw the report onto Linda's face.She took it with tears streaming down her

did all this for the sake of our future.I just wanted to

silence, Linda crawled over again, held my

there was no

had already made up my mind

woman, lying seemed to

believe a word

is my

saying that, I wanted to storm out of the room so that I didn't

But Anthony stopped me.

has hidden from us.We don't know who Andy's real father is," he pointed

Anthony was right.

this matter without tying up all the

with the truth that we had uncovered so

message from one of my attendants, informing me that Alpha Bard of the Lavender Pack had arrived at the Rainbow

attendants have brought a werewolf from another pack.The strange thing is that he claims to know you.Would you like to go and

raising my eyebrow at

that's impossible.I don't know anyone from other

know whether you know him or

my attendants nearby, signaling to them to capture

at me, and the two of

went back to the Rainbow House

together, I asked Bard

needed to investigate what had happened

a liar, so

shook from head to toe, and fear was written all over

lit up in recognition,

have you

went straight up to Linda and gave her a hard kick, which

talking about Andy? What's the relationship between you and Linda?" Jerome asked,

is my son.He's the child I have with this bitch.She used to be my mistress,


"Where is Andy?"

true, then he and Linda must have known each

have given birth

had been born just shortly after Linda disappeared from Jerome's life, it seemed that she had been

Jerome had been cuckolded.

looked at Jerome

fists were

me the truth even now?" Jerome asked with a self-mocking

of greed, but I didn't expect that I would be abandoned in the end.When I found out that Jerome was the future Alpha of the Rainbow Pack, I came to see him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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