Outcast: The Alpha King's Beloved

Chapter 145: Want To Leave 

Skylar's POV: 

I pressed my fingers against my temple and winced.

I couldn't erase from my mind the scene of Linda and Jerome being intimate, and remembering it made me go crazy.

Blind with jealousy, I couldn't help but ask Jerome those pointed questions.

But as soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted it.

The truth was, I didn't want to know about their past.

I knew it would only hurt me even more.

If I found out just how close they were before, my jealousy would grow uncontrollable.

Jerome stared at me, stunned at my questions.

After what seemed like an eternity, he said, "I have to admit what Linda and I had was wonderful.But that's all in the past now.You are my present and my future.I promise you, there's nothing romantic going on between me and Linda, and nothing will ever happen.I'm loyal to you and you alone.Please, you have to trust me."

I frowned.

He did sound sincere, but I was still unsure whether to believe him or not.He had never lied to me ever since we became mates, and I could tell that he wasn't a liar, either.

Jerome had morals.

So, should I believe him? But I couldn't deny what I saw.

I caught him kissing a half-naked Linda.

"Jerome, you said you were loyal to me, but I'm not so sure about that.I don't want to hide anything from you.I saw Linda taking off her clothes and being intimate with you just now.How do you explain that? Where was your so-called ‘loyalty’ then?"

"It was nothing like that! This is a misunderstanding.Nothing was going to happen.It was just...Linda...she was so emotional that she took off her clothes in front of me, wanting to get a taste of the past.But I didn't touch her, I swear.Skylar, I'm not lying to you.I would never betray you!"

to explain that he stuttered as he

I sighed.

complicated now.I feel like an outsider who doesn't belong.Even if what I saw was just some misunderstanding, the problem between us

it was the fact that Linda and

matter how open-minded I was, they were like a sharp thorn that kept piercing my

knew my relationship with Jerome wouldn't be the

—it was the best thing that has ever happened to me.I love you and Moon Goddess gave

arms around me

felt nothing

alone for a while,"

"I'm not leaving,"

said stubbornly.I


icy coldness, Jerome sighed and

I'll give you some space.I'll

dejectedly and walked out of my room

Jerome closed the door behind

out in my head, the only solution to this situation

Andy could become a happy

simply let go.I clutched my chest as

Jennifer's POV: 

bed, I

My heart sank.

sudden appearance

already warned you to be careful of Linda.How could you

always suspicious of

she was slowly revealing her true

were right.I let my guard down and I'm suffering the consequences.It's strange, but I can't help but feel that

hung his


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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