Austin's POV: 

"I can give up my dignity for Anthony's sake, because he is the most important to me," Jennifer said slowly, looking straight into my taunting eyes.

"Then what are you waiting for? Kneel "

I began, feeling complacent.But before I could finish my words, Jennifer interrupted me.

"But I will never kneel down to a villain like you!" Jennifer said coldly.

The damned bitch! I was so furious that I punched the iron bars with my fist, which sent a stinging pain through my knuckles.

"I will never tell you where Larry is! Get out of here!" I snarled, pointing at Jennifer.

"Just wait to bury Anthony's dead body."

Despite my firm response, Jennifer continued to stare at me expressionlessly, as if I was a clown in her eyes.What a bitch! 

"How can I get you to tell me where Larry is? Just put forward your condition, Austin," Jennifer said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Her tone was plain, and less humble than before.

"Don't even think about it unless you can help me succeed to the throne again!" I sneered.

"In your dreams.Austin, you've already lost the support of the public.It's impossible for you to be the king again.It looks like trying to negotiate with you is a waste of time.Good luck!"

After saying that, Jennifer turned around and stormed out of the dungeon.

I bristled with anger as I watched her receding back, but there was nothing I could do.


I was still trying to calm down when Caroline, who had been silent all this time, suddenly sighed, walked up to me, and grabbed my arm.

"Why didn't you negotiate with Jennifer seriously just now? Right now, our priority is to get out of here so that we can survive somehow.As long as Anthony is here, it's impossible for you to become the king again."

"What's the point of leaving this cell if I can't be the king? Without the throne, I can only live in hiding and seclusion.I would rather die than live a life like that.Besides, I have no idea where Larry is.That cunning man is probably far away from here by now.How could I know where he is?" I explained, waving my hand impatiently.

"Anyway, even if I know where Larry is, I'll never tell them.I've already made up my mind.I want to wait and watch Anthony die with my own eyes.I would rather die with him than watch him ascend the throne!"

our baby in my

in an aggrieved

at the sorrow on her pretty face, my heart

know Anthony well.He's not inhuman.For the sake

comforted Caroline in a soft voice, caressing

Caroline's POV: 

that Austin could be so stubborn even

don't care about being the queen anymore.I just want to give birth to our

I embraced Austin, desperately hoping I

you really think we'll be able to live a peaceful life after this? Wake up,

back, but his tone was firm.It seemed that he was resigned

survive, and I wanted Austin

Anthony.Otherwise, you

but burst into tears as I spoke, clutching onto Austin's

Anthony will be tortured to death by the Love Curse, I feel extremely happy.As long as he dies with me, I will die without

unmoved.I gritted

Austin was being so stubborn, even to the

wrong to Anthony, he will let

his eyes and tried to persuade

never give into him.Stop saying such words, Caroline," Austin replied,

rendered speechless

a long time, the prison cell

footsteps were heard outside the cell again that the

Jennifer coming back to talk to us

of a servant,

saw her, I instinctively

asked the wizard to put a curse on

she had come here to get even with

I've come here to ask you a question.Why did you ask the wizard to

straight at me as

All this time, I'd treated you like my own flesh and blood, but you

took a long

tender look that she used to have on her face when she looked at me was gone, replaced by righteous anger and

making a lump rise in my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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