Outcast: The Alpha King's Beloved

Chapter 222: The Avalanche 

Jennifer's POV: 

I woke up the following morning to the sun rising in the horizon.

"Anthony, did you sleep well?" I asked groggily.

But to my surprise, there was no response.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up.

When I looked around, I found that I was alone in the tent.

Panicked, I shouted, "Anthony!"

Acting on impulse, I ran out of the tent without even thinking of putting on my coat.

The moment I got out of the tent, I saw Anthony walking towards me.

He was carrying a dead wild rabbit.

"Jennifer, you're awake.Let's have breakfast."

Anthony chuckled at my bewildered expression.Then, his eyes landed on my thin pajamas.

"Why did you come out without a coat?"

As he spoke, he frowned and fetched my coat for me.

"Where have you been?" I asked, hugging myself to keep warm.

"I went out to hunt and caught this rabbit.I can't let you eat biscuits every single mealtime."

Anthony reached out and pinched my nose playfully.

"Make a fire, honey.Let's roast the rabbit."

With a smile, I nodded and set out to find firewood.

Fortunately, the ground was littered with dry twigs and branches, and Anthony was able to set up a fire in no time.

Soon, the gamey smell of roasted meat wafted to my nose.

"Eat well.You'll need the energy."

Anthony tore off the rabbit's leg and handed it to me.

Then, he raised his hand to wipe the grease off the corner of my mouth.

"Look at you, you little glutton," he joked.

"It's because the rabbit you cooked is so delicious,"

I whined, taking another huge bite out of the rabbit leg.

The freshly roasted meat melted in my mouth.

When we were done picking the meat off the bones of the rabbit, we packed up our things and continued our journey.

Just then, Eva's voice sounded in my mind.

"I haven't been out in a long time.It's so stuffy in here.Let me have some fresh air.Why don't you two run in wolf form? Running as wolves will be easier and faster than walking as human," Eva suggested.

I smiled.

She was right.

into our

turned to my mate and

"What do you think?"

was wondering if I should turn into my

back at

me your luggage.Let's

I transformed into

up the mountainside with

Zane, carried our

sharp claws gripped the earth, and


couldn't help but let out long

shook his tail

the two wolves swatted at

didn't stop

able to make it to the

temperature became colder

was rugged and

gently licked Eva's


and transformed back into his

suit and changed

hurriedly took

as I became human again, the cold

cold to the bones and

Anthony worked fast and helped me put on

Anthony's POV: 

warmer in my

quickly pulled her into my arms and started rubbing her back, hoping to generate enough

nestled her face against

I heaved a sigh of relief and then put

a relatively flat place to pitch the tent and

and roaring, we gathered

starry sky as Jennifer leaned on my

future together, and

to her gentle voice made me


go to bed, I felt



"Avalanche." My expression darkened.


spare, I scooped Jennifer into my arms and started running.As I ran, I could hear the sound of snow collapsing

we'll run

Jennifer shouted urgently.

about her, I gritted my teeth and set her down.She was a strong she-wolf.I needed

into wolves and started running as fast as

felt the snow

caught up to us and

we were about to be buried alive, Zane roared to the sky

Jennifer, who had also turned back, and flung

mind was

that I

in my arms and closed my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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