Outcast: The Alpha King's Beloved

Chapter 215: A Daughter 

Austin's POV: 

When I saw Caroline pass out, I was so scared that I didn't even care about the newborn baby.

I stumbled towards the operating table and grabbed a nurse's arm.

 "Nurse, is she okay?" I asked anxiously.

"She has just fainted from exhaustion.However, we need to ask you to leave first.We need to focus on saving her right now,"

the nurse answered, jabbing a finger at the door.

I knew I had no other choice but to go out obediently and wait.

With my back against the wall, I recalled how Caroline had looked at me from the operating table just now.

All of a sudden, I felt suffocated from guilt.

I was so useless! There was nothing I could do but watch as Caroline suffered.

"Austin, how's Caroline?"

A gentle voice interrupted my thoughts.

I turned around and saw Jennifer and Anthony standing by the hall outside the operating room.

Seeing them here, I had mixed feelings.

Were they also worried about Caroline? For the longest time, Caroline and I had done everything in our power to make them suffer.

Weren't they supposed to feel happy in the face of our misfortune? 

"Caroline managed to give birth to the baby, but the doctors are now trying to rescue her.I don't know if she's going to make it..."

If it were in the past, I would have cherished any moment to mock Anthony, but now, I was in no mood.

It was hard to tell whether Caroline was going to make it out of this alive, so I was too consumed with worry for her to think about anything else.

"Don't worry, Austin.Anthony has asked the best doctors to treat Caroline.She will be okay,"

Jennifer said softly in an effort to comfort me.

"Maybe all of this is my punishment from God." I laughed bitterly.

"This is all my fault.I've committed too many crimes, yet it's Caroline and our child who are reaping the retribution for my sins."

I was met with silence.

Then, I heard footsteps approaching me.

"Caroline will be fine.If it comes to it, I'll ask Roy for help.He's good with healing magic.He'll definitely be able to save Caroline's life" Anthony said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I looked up at him in disbelief.

"What? Anthony...Why are you helping me?" I asked in a trembling voice.

was the one who led us to Larry's residence and helped us find a way

"I owe her."

life is

face in my

all, it was I who killed Father.God, please, don't let Caroline atone

bitterly, begging

really knew

was an unforgivable

sincerely regretted everything

moment, I realized how

me that she had helped Anthony find Larry in the

did was for

life that was

that I regarded her as the love of my life I couldn't lose

to treat her well

Anthony's POV: 

Austin in such a sorry state, I had mixed

I laid my eyes on him, all I could

wanted to avenge him and kill Austin

for his love, I couldn't help but feel sorry for

Jennifer was right.

seemed, there was bound to be a soft spot in him

"How is Caroline?"

then, my

to support her, but my mother was consumed with concern

bad shape and the doctors

Austin answered first.

buried his face in his hands and started to cry

"Oh, my God..."

mother sighed, tears

"My dear Caroline..."

hurried to her side

valued her

knew she must've felt terrible

Caroline as her

worry, Mrs.Jones.God's watching over Caroline.She will be fine, I just know

held my mother's hand and tried to

her other hand and helped her to a seat on a bench in the

waited for

to the operating room from time to time, hoping

a long time, the door to the operating room was finally

"Doctor, how is she?"

leapt to

patient's condition has stabilized for now, and her life is out of

her wound has just been stitched.She will need to rest

"Thank God!"


baby?" my mother asked

still need to observe her.As such, the nurse has taken her to the nursery," the doctor replied

Caroline?" Austin asked in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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