Overflow With Fake Love

Chapter 14: I Will Explain It to Her 

She was so scared that she held Amy up and dragged her into the living room.

Paul frowned.

He knew that it was what happened last night that made his mother so furious and punish Amy without mercy.

"Call 911 now.I'm still in a meeting and I'll get home as soon as possible."

Laura nodded and hurriedly called 911, feeding Amy some water with her trembling hands.

‘Paul really didn't care about Amy.

The woman fainted but Paul still kept his mind on business: Laura inexplicably sympathized with Amy.

After all, they were all women who were members of the Howard Family.

When Amy woke up, she saw a snow-white ceiling, sheets, and curtains.

She rubbed her head, pulled away from the cover, and was about to get out of bed.

However, as soon as her feet touched the ground, a sense of dizziness came over and she almost felt she was blind.

She noticed her knees bandaged.

"What are you doing? The doctor said you need to lie down and have arest."

Laura was playing a game by the side.

When she heard Amy had woken up, she looked up, appearing relaxed as if she was not the nervous person who was caring about Amy.

She put away her phone and took the bag beside her.

"Since you're awake, take good care of yourself.I have something else to do.I'm leaving now.’ Laura had an appointment with her friend to go to the movies.

It was already six o'clock, so she had to go.

In fact, she mainly didn't want to see Amy.

she saved her, it didn't mean that she

not ask her to stay and looked out the window

her lips and met Paul as

immediately as she

really don't know what she went through

betrays you, I'll be the

looked at her for a second and then he

as she sang

Amy was still looking at the

tired out both physically


was only two years

down beside

tenderness and sadness on his face when he saw


be able to

withdrew her

last night was you.Although nothing happened between you and me, Mrs.Tache

still had a

happened last night.You don't have to worry.’ Amy

domineering personality and seemed highly opinionated, so she probably wouldn't believe his

not know how

not ask about what happened that day,

in her heart, thinking that when she got

flew by, Today was graduation

and saw Vera at

bachelor's uniform.You're going to speak on


had helped her

confidants for

"I'm Ready.Let's go."

the hall where

graduates sitting in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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