Pertemis: A Wolf’s Tale

Chapter 1 Tale of The Island’s Night

Artemis's POV

"Well that's it! I'm out of here!" I screamed, walking out furiously from the place of my stupid yet annoying brother.

"Come on Arty!" Apollo groaned. "It was just a prank, I got the camera right there!"

He was pointing to the bush across the stress from his palace.

He always said that whenever he had done something. Life in Olympus is pretty normal if without his presence. He would screw everything up whenever he has a chance, and I was the first target he would aim.

I hated him most in here. The fact from him being a jerk with every girl he met. With that grin and face of him, wandering around to cause trouble this and that. The only problem was, I couldn't do anything much beside shooting few arrows to the drums on the lower regions of his body. But I would get into trouble with Zeus, my father afterwards for bullying him.

"Just shut jour mouth Fried Brain before I go out of control!" I yelled.

Now the only person I could talk to was mum. She lives pretty far from us, across the sea, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It was her home but also prison. You see, our family is quite composted. My mother was a Titan, though she did not participate in the war. Zeus still put her there, he came to her on one night and the next he already fled back to Olympus, scaring of letting Hera notice. I hated him for that, and now my brother had started to turn like him.

Usually I would tell her before I pay the visit. But since I was so frustrated with Apollo, I didn't really think about that.

I teleported to the shore of Hawaii, walking quietly to the dork. The sun was starting to touch the horizon at the sea. It's light just painted on the blue sky to a colour of gold.

I still remember this place, few more paces and I would reach the boatman. He was a tall and slender man with a tattered shirt and pants. He always wore a big hat and despite that, it couldn't protect him from sunburn.

He was the only man who knew the way to my mother island, well except Zeus who was the one that put her there. He wouldn't tell anyone about it, even if it was with Hera.

"It's been a long time my lady" the boatman said, without even looking up at him. He had a croaky old voice perhaps from smoking too much. I never knew his age, and I wouldn't want to ask that. But there was one thing that I certain, he wasn't a  mortal. 

"Yeah" I replied. "Just want to pay a visit to her. It's been such a long time since the last time we talked."

"Well I don't want to disobey that" he said. "But I suggest you should make that visit tomorrow. Lady Leto would be glad to see you, but tonight may not be a pleasant and perfect night."

I just stared at him blankly. It there was anyone who would tell me to stop doing something, it was only my mother. But somehow, I could feel something in his voice. A sensation of fear but also serious. Perhaps it was just my imagination, but if it was something wrong on that island. I should be the one to investigate it. After all, I wouldn't want my mother to live in a dangerous place.

"Don't worry old man" I told him. "I'll be fine. An immortal can of die, and if there was anything happens on the island, I could've sensed it. Just sail me, I'm not really in a good mood at the moment."

"Well since you have insisted and be so confident"  the boatman chucked the cigarette on the sand and climbed on his wooden boat. "Jump on, it will take a while to get there."

It was along sail, perhaps maybe a hour or so. As the island started to appear under the fog in the distance, the sun had already disappeared.

The boat creaking, slowly approaching the shore. The moment I set my foot on the island, I immediately sensed something wrong.

It wasn't like many time I visited this place. Useful the tree would be waving and the wind would be wielding to welcome me. But tonight, it was so quite. Perhaps those time, Leto had cast some spell because she knew I would be arrived. But this time was unexpected.

"Well I should be going back" the old man signed. "You should go to the house. Wouldn't want to wander outside here at night. Beware of things around you and in the bushes. I wished you can sort out whatever you have in your mind Milady."

around. I watched

would be only one way up to mother's house. In between it was a forest and I loved it whenever I came here. In fact I was born with nature, it wouldn't be

thought aside and continued my steps forward into the fog ahead of me.

to bump into any tree on the way. Walking in the wood made me somehow nervous tonight. I couldn't know where it came from or in more specific, what it was. I was never feared of monsters or darkness. It's just everything seemed creepy and

was anything, it wouldn't escape with my accuracy. I

The lights of candles were still shining out through the

"Mum it's me Artemis! Are

pace, something has happened. I knew it had. So I

middle of the room. It smelled fresh in there, despite the fact it looked really old like front the time of Shakespeare. The room was empty except the candles were flicking. They couldn't have lit up on their own, someone and to do

of fighting here. Where could she possibly be? Outside is too cold, she wouldn't go out at a time like this. In the kitchen, the soup was still hot. She can't just

search outside, the front

and startled when she looked at me. "Artemis?" She frowned. "What

pay an unexpected visit for you mother." I said. "Where have you been and why were you

answer me for a moment, like it was something hard to speak. There was a mixture of expression on here

out to get some fresh air that's all" she

look but

let's talk about something else shall we?" Leto quickly closed the door behind her. "I'm glad to see you here

too mum" I said. "You

wanted to meet me next month, why

her a looked and she immediately understood. All around the world, only Leto was the one that understood me

Apollo isn't it?" She

go inside and have something to eat first. I've made some soup, we can talk about

and the both of us walked into the kitchen.

lot to talk about and forget about the

look tired. We can talk tomorrow, I'm gonna stay

standing. "Your

like worrying about something. But she gave

know the look of that and I concerned about

and one more thing" her voice

mum!" I sighed in relief

eyebrows to emphasise

nodded with a

The fact of all those odd thing kept happening made

me here? What's with all those warning? And

trying to sleep but not able to. My mind kept running for like hundred of miles, trying to figure

sound. It was far in the distance

I realised what it was. It wasn't just a random sound, it was a howl,

frequently and in each time it howled, my ear drum just wanted to shut every noise it received. It sounded hurtful and depressed, but still

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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