Pertemis: A Wolf’s Tale

Chapter 5 Tales Under the Glittering Carvens

Artemis's POV

"We're here" he said.

In front of us was the entrance of a cave. It was opened at the side of a cliff. It was wide, with diameter of two meters and high about one. One either sides, crystalline rock had been shaved into Grecian columns. The arch was glittering with little diamonds or some kind of precious rocks. At the top, moss and some kind of seaweed plants dropped down like curtain. The aroma of sweet and fresh coming out from the cave really caught my attention as they assaulted my nostrils.

Next to the cave was the cliff, few meters below of white limestone. The sea clashed its wave on the rock, but instead of the roaring crashing sound, it sounded calm and pleasant like a sequence of piano.

The ocean sent a tinkling breeze of cool air and little of sea water to my skin. The sun was now starting to hit the horizon far far away. It mixed its orange and golden colour with the blue clear sky.

I turned to Perseus to see his annoying grin. "You coming?"

He set the natural seaweed curtain aside for me with a gesture of inviting.

I huffed "And why should I?"

"Well if you don't want to come" he said. "I'm going. There's something I want to show you."

He stepped inside, not thinking of what I was going to say next. I gave him a glared and looked away. There's no way I'm gonna enter that cave. Get along with him in one room. That would tear down my reputation. He has already slept with me on the same bed, I wouldn't want anything similar like that to happen again.

But the moment he's gone. The warmed sun turned dark by the clouds. The breeze from the sea turn to strong winds wielding in. I shivered from the contact.

Really? Do you really have to do that Fates? First my mother wants me to go with him, now you want that to happen to?

if I paid a visit anyway. Besides, this cave could block Leto's vision. I might have a chance to decapitate Perseus in there or bless him a bit

I slowly entered the

a warm breeze of fresh and sweet air. I looked around, my mouth formed an 'O'

with crystals—red, green, and blue. In the strange

orange and purple berries that crept

chasms with various flowers grew up from the soil bed below. Overhead, the ceiling was higher than a

was an massive chasm filled with water. It's source came from the line cracks between the wall, flowing and wriggling around the big boulders, making a stream. The sunlight outside

at the bottom. Some how, his features fascinated me. The messy black hair always made me want to curl around and play with my finger. His tan skin opposite with my pale and that red lips made him more of catching attention. That sea-green eyes of his always looked so innocent yet piercing that I never made eye contact with him for long. His eyebrows knitted together made him look even cuter than-wait what the Hades!? Why am I having those negative thoughts now? Twice I have thought about a male,

and smirked, his eyes sparkled that I took all my will not to smile back at him.

after all" he said in a

arms and huffed. "I don't know what spell you casted out there Perseus, but don't think that

this place despite the fact that I might be in danger staying alone with you. If you don't like it then fine, suit yourself and go outside, I bet some of mum's pets already waiting for you at the entrance." He turned back to the lake, his eyebrows knitting as a sigh of

just the way I treat males. He knew that was my nature. I couldn't hold myself from hurting

got darker and darker. I guess the air in here somehow related to the mood of people. At that moment, I felt that I've overdid it. He was right in the first

my judgement for male being selfish just being wiped off the list by his action. Gosh how can he just slowly erase

an apology should be enough, but

made my steps forward, faking to

you think?" I said, glancing at him for reaction at the corner of my

this place" he muttered with out looking back. "Now I have

it?" I tried to compliment him. "I didn't know you had that ability

it turned out to be a sarcastic compliment. Ok Artemis, cheer him up not turn him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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