Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies By Pink Dolphin

Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies By Pink Dolphin Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Now as an adult, how long would she be locked up this time? Three days? One week?

Anne did not want to fight back anymore.

She got herself into this desperate situation because of her naivety.

There was no food, no water, not even a bed in the basement.

She could only fall asleep against the door or the wall.

On the first day, the empty stomach was bearable, but on the second day it seemed that she was starting to get dehydrated.

On the third day, Anne’s lips were chapped, and it was already difficult for her to move her body, so she simply stayed still.

She did not knock on the door to ask for help, because she knew Anthony would not let her go, and it would useless to scream and shout. During the time Anne was detained, Tommy was looking for her everywhere.

His calls went unanswered, and then he called Sarah.

Anne’s address, he went to look

go to work in the surgery clinic, she did not come back either.

days and had a nagging sensation that things were

went to see the Archduke

of the Archduke Group, Oliver nodded slightly. “Mr. Marwood, Tommy

, isn’t he? I

“Yes sir.”

time, Tommy did not see Anthony, so he rushed in regardless. He

pushed the security guard in

out his baton. “Mr. Marwood is not someone you can see at will! Make an appointment

If he screwed this up, he might not be able to

to leave , drove

and Ron and

Anne?” Sarah got up

might have been imprisoned by her brother !

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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