Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Day of the Ceremony

Belene’s POV

My fingers anxiously trace the flowers embroidered into the bodice of my wedding gown it’s a delicate white contera weightless and ethereal I look more like a wood nymph than a bride.

I remember the day we chose it, Bastien and ill was the first dress we found that did not completely overpower my w frame three years ago. We tried countless others first, but the moment i stepped into the gossamer fabric i wen tace said it all.

This is the way of rejection ceremonies Marriages end as they begin.

We will wear the same clothes, meet at the same moonlit altar with friends and family looking on, we’ll even play the samnem Vet instead of vows to love and keep each other we will vow to part. Instead of exchanging rings we’rar more then, and instead of shifting to run together beneath the stars, we’ll divide, forging new paths in directions of our own choosing

Of course, Bastien and I never ran together in the first place. We walked through the forest hand in hand, a sweet concession for the loss of my wolf.

Tonight I expect he will shift, and I have a fairly good idea where he’ll run rather to whom he’ll run.

I’ve replayed my conversation with Arabella over and over in my head. At first I thought I must have misheard her, after all Bacon himself told me Arabella was his mate. Yet the more I ponder our conversation the clearer it becomes Bastien is my mate, or the would have been if I still had Luna, It explains why I always felt connected to him, why he always made me feel safe.

Those horrible women at Gabriel’s birthday were right, I am too broken to be anything but a burden. My one chance to be whole might have been finding the man the goddess chose for me, but fate had other plans.

My mate doesn’t want me without my wolf.

Who could?

suck in a shaky breath, trying to tell myself that one day I might find a wolf who is able to look past my shortcomings.

matter if I’m enough for someone else The only person I want is

Bastien’s POV

reality. In less than an hour, we are going to formally end our marriage

has been giving me the silent treatment for days, protesting my decision to go through with the ceremony. I’m not any happier about it than he is, but I have to do this for Selene. This is what being an

Alpha is also about being in control. He replies grumpily. Do you feel in

than the fact that I will never get to hold my mate in my arms

rather than focusing on things that are truly important like Blaise’s hunt for Volana wolves or my Alpha training. I’ve been wallowing in grief and fantasizing about

necklace Arabella helped me pick out is sitting on my dresser, wrapped up in a velvet box and decorative paper. When 1 bought it I told myself it was merely a parting gift for Selene, a token of appreciation for our years together and good will for the future. But deep

me again. You think a pretty trinket is going to tell her

in my chest. He’s right of course, there’s nothing I can do or say that will change things now. It’s too late. It was probably too late when we met. Selene’s heart belonged to another years and years before I came

time I accept it. I have to

I toss the gift box

Gabriel’s POV

wolf form day and night, but drafting laws and signing treaties is difficult without thumbs. My fingers

His marriage to Selene started on difficult footing, but the struggle was never between

and caring for Selene had softened Bastien in so many ways. Watching her heal and witnessing them

but I know Bastien is heartbroken. Under any other circumstances I might be angry at the person responsible for his pain, but I know it isn’t Selene’s fault. In the end I suppose Garrick’s torture was too much to overcome. If anyone

on my desk, eyeing the fluttering fabric curiously. The doors were closed when I entered my office,

scent a strange wolf, my mind racing to understand how anyone could have gotten past my heightened senses. My gaze jumps to the

by the dim terrace lanterns. He’s tall and thin, dressed in all black

I begin, for it’s clear that’s what he has, “only cowards hide in the shadows. Be

His voice sounds familiar, yet I can’t place it. “You mean you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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