Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 94

Chapter 94 Elysium

Bastien’s POV

By the time I’m clean and dressed in fresh clothes, Lila’s tantrum has subsided. I find her and Selene by the campfire, the pup sniffling softly against her mother’s neck. Selene trails a gentle hand up and down Lila’s back, somehow soothing her and scolding her all at once.

“I know it’s a lot of big changes and it’s all happening very fast,” She murmurs, kissing Lila’s hair. “it probably seems like all of these things are happening around you and you don’t know what’s going on, just that all the grown ups are telling you that everything’s going to be different and you don’t have a say in any of it.”

Lila nods, rubbing her wet, salty skin over Selene’s collar. A wave of guilt washes over me. Here I thought her tantrum was just regular toddler mood swings I took it at face value, but Selene knew instantly. I wonder if it’s maternal intuition, or simply experience and knowing the pup so much better than I do.

A few weeks ago I would have felt bitter about her advantage with Lila, but now I simply feel wretched for causing my daughter distress. Maybe Lila was right to say she doesn’t like me anymore, it sounds like I deserved it.

“It’s alright to feel upset or scared or angry.” My mate continues, “I feel the same way sometimes, but you know better than to say mean things simply because you’re feeling out of sorts. You hurt your Daddy’s feelings.”

“I didn mean it.” Lila moans piteously.

“I know angel, but words are very powerful.” Selene explains, rocking her gently. “You can’t take them back, saying sorry doesn’t make someone forget that you thought those things in the first place. And that hurts.”

“Is he mad at me?” the pup hiccups weakly.

My wife meets my gaze over our daughter’s head, “Why don’t you ask him?” She suggests. Moving to sit next to Selene, I rest my hand on Lila’s small head, prompting her to look up at me tearfully. “Poor pup, you’ve had too much excitement haven’t you?”

if I’ll take her.

too, little one.” She’s so tiny, so fragile ! have to remind myself not

She cries, holding onto

into her two toned eyes. “There is nothing you could ever do or say that will make me stop loving you. I might get angry or disappointed sometimes, but that’s only because I care about you so much. You can always come to me, and you never need to worry that

quivering, but she

with my gaze so she’ll know I’m not only talking about a parent’s love, but a mate’s as well. In some ways it’s harder with Selene because

back to my pup, the four most perfect words that I’ve ever heard. “I love you,

red eyes and a red nose, her plump limbs still smeared with mud. Her tantrum is all but forgotten, and her proclamation washes away the hurt I was feeling a little while ago.

Selene’s POV

our honeymoon was over. Our wedding and makeshift campsite was only an hour outside of Elysium, so the final leg of the trip was

glimpsed the beautiful city over the ridge of the North mountain, in fact I was so mesmerized by the sight that I temporarily lost the ability to speak. Luna had been ecstatic

wanted to see Elysium again after everything I went through with Garrick, but his dank basement was a world away from the incredible city where I spent my childhood. That dark cell was the exact opposite of the

freedom, where I met my mate. Bastien and I had

is simply in my blood. My mother might have fled the Calypso pack, but they are mountain wolves too Elysium is my element, pure and simple. “Look Lila,” Bastien pointed out the

“Elysium?!” She exclaimed.



That’s where you’re going to live.” Bastien shared, sounding so happy that

through the city gates and up the main road. However my own excitement dampened the further we ventured into Elysium. The news had clearly spread about my return

like a flashing marquee announcing that the Alpha is away from the pack house. I’ve never driven with him without half the city turning to stare and signal their respect, but it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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