Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 114

Chapter 114 Honeymoon

Bastien’s POV

The Eclipse Festival sprawls before us, a whirlwind of lights and colors so overwhelming I can feel my mate leaning close to me for comfort. It’s not only the size of the event and deafening noise around us unsettling her, it’s also the attention. We’re still in the VIP section, and wherever Selene and I walk people turn to stare, and I can’t help but notice how different things are from the past.

Four years ago these aristocrats would have been whispering behind their hands and curiously eyeing Selene’s unmarked neck. Tonight there’s a sense of reverence in their attention, an admiration and respect my sweet mate is still struggling to get used to. Even though it’s the proper response, I can’t help but feel angry it took my pack this long to see Selene for the treasure she is. They should have been bowing down to her from day one.

“How are you doing, little wolf?” I murmur as we enter a shining pavilion, pausing to nibble her earlobe and relishing the blush that bursts across her cheeks.

She peeks up at me from beneath her lashes, “I could use a distraction.”

“Oh?” I reply, moving my tongue to the soft spot behind her ear, “What kind of distraction?”

“This is working fairly well.” She admits, turning to face me completely and closing her eyes as I continue to taste her. “I can almost forget they’re all watching.”

“It’s just a little while longer.” I promise, glancing up at the moon. It’s almost completely obscured now, a huge red orb rimmed with a crescent of pearly light. As soon as the eclipse is complete we’ll go out to the main festival stage and kick off the fireworks. I’ll make a short speech, and then we’ll be free to go.

Just then a chirping noise sounds from the vicinity of Selene’s hip, followed by a soft vibration.

She pulls her phone from a hidden compartment in her gown, flipping open the notification center and scanning the contents. Then Selene looks up at me with a brilliant, contagious smile. “Drake finally told Sophie!”

“And?” I ask, grinning back at her.

widens, a mischievous glimmer appearing in her lovely eyes. “Let’s just say he’s going to be

again, not liking the slight distance her text message imposed on us. “Mhmm, I know what that’s like.” Lowering my lips to

the hours we’ve spent locked away in our bedroom. “It’s not like

decide, “When things calm down, we’re going

really?” Selene asks,

and me. We can go to the islands, take Lila and spend a few days playing at the beach. Then you and I can sneak away to

remarks, hire some sea turtles to babysit and hope

my eyes to her, I scold, “You know what I mean. We’ll figure

mouth locked against mine, drawing kiss after kiss from her lips until we’re both breathless. When we part, I can feel all the

“When things calm down.” She repeats, “Do you really

into a hard line, I vow, ”Selene, I’m going to make this right. I’m going to make

asks forlornly. “It’s not that I don’t believe in you, baby.” She assures me needlessly. “I just this all feels so much bigger than us so far out

people around us until the whole lot turns away and pretends they aren’t still watching out of the corners of their eyes. “I know it feels like that, but we can’t believe it. When we do, that’s when they’ve won.” I explain soberly, “We’re taking it step by step; searching the area around the cell tower, looking into the DNA, going through all the evidence from my father’s murder

Blaise?” Selene parrots, looking up at

sweetheart.” I admit, sighing

more time that passes, the more I’m convinced my family will never be safe as long as the Calypso Alpha lives. However, taking out the most powerful Alpha on the continent is no simple matter, especially because challenging him would mean taking responsibility for his pack if I won. I’m not even sure I could win, and losing would mean abandoning Selene and Lila to his

to figure out how to deal with Blaise. I don’t have any other choice,

Selene’s POV

I’m left standing at the mouth of a market tent, one whose contents could easily fill a museum. Everywhere I look there are priceless jewels and artworks I’d feel too afraid of damaging to

left me among the throngs of shifters watching the fireworks. He wasn’t lying when he said the common people were much fonder of me than the nobles. Most people seem to have come around anyway, but I know my enemies are most likely members of this crowd the ones who stroll through the tent’s riches dropping inordinate

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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