The next morning, Abel and Timothy woke up to an attractive scent from downstairs.

"Wow, it’s the smell of shrimp dumplings and beef porridge," Timothy said.

"Ms. Louise must be making breakfast now, so let’s get up," Abel replied.

The two got up and washed up while Emmeline was working in the kitchen on the third floor.

"I never knew your cooking skills were this good," Abel sincerely praised.

Emmeline thought about how she only managed to coax Robert because of her cooking previously.

Once he was happy, he accepted her as a disciple and taught her all his medical skills. He even gave her one of his properties, Struyria's Adelmar Group.

"Pretty mommy isn't only pretty, but she's also skillful! She can't be compared to Alana.

"You shouldn't say that. After all, Alana is your mommy, so you should respect her," Emmeline said as she poked Timothy's little nose.

"She isn't. She can't even remember my birthday," Timothy said.

"When's your birthday?" Emmeline asked as she took some of the beef porridge.

"Grandma said I was a month old on the 6th of October when Alana picked me up."

Emmeline's heart skipped a beat.

If he was a month old on the 6th of October, it meant that his birthday was the 6th of September, the same as the other three!

How could it be such a coincidence? It was no wonder that Daisy said she had Quadruplets. Even Emmeline thought she had actually given birth to Quadruplets when she saw the four children together.

"Some things are really surprising. You gave birth to three children with Adrien, while Alana and I had Timolty," Abel said.

"You don't seem to be grateful to Alana."

"It's because that woman plotted against me!"

Plotted against him? Emmeline remembered Adrien talking about it before.

It seemed like rich Young Masters were often plotted against!

After they finished breakfast, Timothy was sent to kindergarten by Luca. On the other hand, Emmeline went to work at the cafe on the first floor, while Abel seemed hesitant to leave.

As Emmeline was about to chase him away, two pickup trucks filled with plants and flowers suddenly stopped at the door. Only then did she remember Abel saying he wanted to turn the platform into a garden.

Since Abel was here, she should stay in the cafe instead of going out. Coincidentally, Sam, the only waiter there, had taken leave, so she could only work at it alone.

Abel did not need to help with the platform garden, but he still did not want to leave, so Emmeline tried to chase him away as she felt like he was getting in the way if he stayed.

"Mr. Ryker, shouldn't you go to work? Are you that free?"

"I won't be free if I help you sell the coffee!" Abel said.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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