Julianna jumped in before Emmeline could say anything.

“What? You’re having an affair with Benjamin?”

Emmeline was shocked. What the hell?

Why must Julianna put an ugly label on her relationship?

It was only then Alondra took notice of Julianna behind one of the tables. She took a moment in a daze before saying hello. “Gee, Madam Julianna. You’re here too.”

“Am I not allowed here? I am the grandmother of the three kids, unlike some people who aren’t actually related by blood.” Pulling a long face, Julianna let out a scoff.

Alondra stiffened her facial muscles before agreeing with Julianna, “…Of course, you’re their grandmother.”

Lifting her chin, Julianna asked, “Hmph! What did you say? What’s going on between Emmeline and Adelmar’s Benjamin?”

“What do you mean what’s going on? Mr. Benjamin came with Emma to our home to have dinner.

Julianna was thrown for a loop.

It was quite a bombshell.

Julianna gave Emmeline a confused look.

“It explains why you don’t find Adrien good enough for you. So you hooked up Adelmar’s Mr. Benjamin.”

“Watch your mouth, Julianna.” Emmeline was tempted to kick the old lady out.

“Hook up? All Mr. Benjamin did was have dinner at the Louise household. What? Was it against the law?” Alondra was not having it.

“But Emmeline gave Adrien children. She should be with Adrien,” Julianna said.

“Who said so? Adrien can’t compare to Benjamin.”

“How is my son lesser than Benjamin!” Julianna was on the verge of jolting from her seat.

“One is the CEO of Adelmar, and the other is a playboy. What do you think?”

Julianna was at a loss for words. She had no reason to be proud of her son.

Alondra replied, “Don’t put the blame on Emma then. People should always strive for greater heights, don’t you think?”

“Save it, Alondra,” Emmeline snapped.

“Am I wrong? Your dad and I are counting on Adelmar,” Alondra answered.

Emmeline was dying to go full potty mouth for being pushed to the edge.

“Emma, your best man for you is Benjamin, not Adrien.”

“Alondra!” Julianna screamed while coming at Alondra.

“Enough! Get out before I start beating everyone!” With her finger pointing at the door, Emmeline shouted.

“Emma, you can’t turn your back on Adrien,” Julianna uttered.

“Get out!”

“Emma, pick Benjamin,” Alondra insisted.

“Get out!”


“Mommy told you to get out!” Sun picked up a toy and threw it at them.

“I’ll call the cops if you don’t leave.” Moon shoved Julianna out.

“Leave, you evil Nana!” Star yanked Alondra.

Unable to take it anymore. Sam grabbed the broom and poked these ladies’ feet.

“Leave! Leave now before I hit you!”

Daisy came down from upstairs and pulled open the glass door before yelling, “Get the hell out of here!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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