"No." Kendra touched Timothy's face. "This is my family matter. Don't worry. I'll cook for you."

Timothy nodded. "You can put your baby in the baby carriage. I'll care for her."

"Okay." Kendra smiled gently. "You're a good boy."

She put her daughter in the baby carriage. Then, she put on an apron and went to the kitchen.

Timothy touched the baby's little face, and the baby smiled at him. Looking at the baby, Timothy felt his sadness dissipate.


On Abel's side, Luca had notified the police to check the city's surveillance.

All personnel from the security department of the Ryker Group were also dispatched. However, they still did not find Timothy. It frightened Alana.

Timothy was her trump card to marry Abel. If something happened to Timothy, she might fail to be with Abel. But Alana had no one to ask for help. She could only call Adam.

"Abel's son is missing? It's none of my business!"

Adam sneered while taking a cigar. He could not wait to see Abel in trouble. The more chaotic and unlucky Abel was, the happier he was.

Alana hurriedly explained, "But Mr. Adam, if I lose Timothy, I'll be worthless in Abel's eyes. Abel may drive me away and go to Emmeline, then Mr. Adrien will lose! Even if Abel loses Timothy, he can still get Emmeline and the other three sons, while Mr. Adrien gets nothing. Do you think you can accept this result?"

Adam stopped talking. He took a deep puff on his cigar, then said, "F*ck! I promise you. I'll help you find that little brat!"

Alana smiled coquettishly at the phone. "That's right. People from the Imperial Palace are everywhere. They can find Timothy easily."

When Rosaline knew Timothy ran away from Alana's ward and was missing, she knew it had something to do with Alana.

Just as Alana finished talking with Adam, Rosaline rushed in and slapped Alana to the ground before Alana could withdraw her smirk.

Rosaline pointed at Alana and yelled, "You b*tch! How did you make my grandson unhappy and make him run away? If anything happens to Timmy, I'll drive you away! The Ryker family doesn't want a bad woman like you! I know you saved Abel. So what? I can give you money instead of you to marry my son. You're not worthy to be Abel's wife!"
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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