Luca was stunned, to be honest, he had felt the same way before.

But he shook his head, "It's impossible."

Ms. Louise was still in Osea, and he had no idea whether she was alive or not.

"How could it be impossible?" Adrien insisted. "The more I think about it, the more it makes sense!"

Luca remained silent, but deep down he still believed it was impossible.

However, he couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect of Emmett being Ms. Louise. If it were true, he would bow down and apologize a hundred times.

Luca shook his head and let out a sigh. "Things aren't that simple," he said.


Just then, Lizbeth's voice could be heard from down the hallway. "Did you fall in the toilet or something?"

Adrien hastily waved to Luca and rushed off.

Luca returned to the door of the private room and peered through the crack. As luck would have it, "Emmett" was facing the door, providing Luca with a clear view of her profile.

He scrutinized her carefully, thinking to himself, "It really does look like her. The more I look at her, the more convinced I am that Mr. Adrien might be onto something."

The three of them ordered their dishes in the private room.

Benjamin turned to Emmeline and asked, "Emmett, are you still studying or working?"

Emmeline replied, "I've graduated from university, and I'm currently unemployed."

Abel narrowed his eyes and asked, "Benjamin, what are you thinking?"

"I was just thinking," Benjamin tilted his head and looked at Emmeline, "that I need a secretary by my side. Why don't you come to work for me, Emmett? The salary won't be a problem."

"That sounds great!" Emmeline clapped her hands happily. "I was actually looking for a job to gain some experience and eventually take over Em's business."

"Forget about working for Benjamin," Abel shot Benjamin a glance and pulled the chair over to Emmeline. "I have all sorts of positions available at my company. You can choose whatever you want to do."

"Abel," Benjamin frowned, "this is not okay. I just offered the job to Emmett."

"That doesn't matter," Abel replied, "Emmett is my brother. If he wants to work, he has to go through me first. Ryker Group has all sorts of positions available, and he can choose whatever he wants to do. Salary is up to him."

"Wow," Emmeline laughed, "that's amazing. I can set my own salary?"

"As long as you choose my company," Abel ruffled her hair. "The salary is up to you!"

"Then of course I choose Mr. Ryker!" Emmeline winked at Benjamin.

"I can't believe you," Benjamin pretended to be unhappy with Abel. "Okay, fine. I won't compete with you."

"Emmett," Abel turned his head to look at Emmeline's face, "what do you want to do? Tell me."

"I..." Emmeline hesitated for a moment, "I want to study business management so that I can help my dad in the future."

"Then stay with me," Abel said, "intern directly in the CEO's office with me."

"That's great," Emmeline said happily, "Thank you, Mr. Ryker!"

"Don't be so polite to me," Abel rubbed her little head again, his face full of indulgence.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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