Reaper's Word

Chapter 38: A Startling Knowledge

Clair moved through the kitchen. She was hungry, which now that she wasn't always hiding she had a normal appetite and a healthy one. She grabbed some food that sounded good to her. She wasn't alone in the kitchen today, Gamma and Alpha were with her watching her.

"I'm making food for myself, thank you." She said to them. She wasn't as good at hearing the others as she was with Gamma. Alpha gave a disappointed feeling, and Gamma sat down giving a kind of whine.

"Fine." She said and threw them each a good amount of the shaved turkey from the fridge. They ate it faster than she could blink.

"Gluttons." She commented to them but Alpha just pranced off into the hall happy with what he'd received. Clair opened the fridge and looked around in it. She saw a container in the back, she cracked it open slightly. She took a small whiff and the smell of it made her instantly sick. She actually had to run to the sink.

"Uh." she said looking at it. Inside was some kind of mixed pasta veggie thing. She wondered if it was just leftovers brought here.

"Eat this, gross." She said and set it on the floor. Gamma ate the entire thing, including the plastic.

"You're not supposed to eat the plastic." Clair said. She gave the mental equivalent of a shrug. Clair made herself a sandwich and drank some milk then moved from the room wandering down the halls. She thought to look around the places she hadn't really been yet.

This place was huge and she hadn't been everywhere. Mainly she'd skipped the basement. As that was where the hell hounds spent most of their time. She moved that way, the sun was up in full. It was why Gamma had now left her and went to sleep an hour or so ago. Night creatures obviously. She was feeling it a bit herself as her living hours were changing too. Clair moved down stairs to the lower part of the house moving along and staring at the rooms there. More bedrooms, some odd rooms with things she didn't know what they were.

Down here she actually found a laundry room, though nothing was in it. She wondered if the house actually used this room or not. She moved on and found several different shop rooms. Tools for working with metal or glass. At one end she found a large room that was partly exposed and to her shock there was a pool here.

Clair put a hand to her stomach. She felt ill again and hurried back to the bathroom she'd just passed. The feeling started to subside and she relaxed but then it came back full force. She was sick right there in the toilet. Was it something she ate?

She stood there for a bit and sat down on the edge of the tub. She wondered if perhaps she'd caught something. As far as she knew all those that were brought were healthy. She hadn't really seen or talked to the last group brought in, though only four were left.

could sense a sickness would have to wait. He'd probably have to find them to know. Which he hadn't fed during the moon all that well so the request might

She'd seen the wings and touched them. They looked frail and broken, like tattered pieces of cloth. They were tough like leather and flexible to boot. Hard to tear or damage as

after first taking a glance at herself in the mirror. She looked healthy, didn't feel like a fever. She rinsed out her mouth and spit the water back in the sink. She never really paid that close attention to herself in the mirror.

she thought. Clair felt like she had a slight headache building now and frowned. Figuring she should just get a head of it and some ibuprofen might do the trick. She rummaged through the cabinet there. She was worried, was his blood doing something more to her? That it just took a longer time to complete or

She opened the

and that was what made her freeze. She suddenly felt very cold and terrified. Her heart nearly stopped. She was late, very late. Clair tried to think

of factors that could make it late, stress, which she had plenty of. Diet, which had been horrible up until late. She'd dropped weight as well. Wait, why did she just jump to that conclusion? She couldn't be it wasn't possible. She'd seen that list,

She said to

mirror. It had to be well over a month since her last one. She'd had one just before the winter sleep she knew that. After that she couldn't really remember when her last one was. The winter sleep had been

maybe, sort of. Crap she had to be, when did a person start showing? She was starting to freak out a little. She felt a slight touch on her shoulder and she turned but no

and she realized it was just the house. It seemed to have picked up on her sudden mood swing. Maybe the house knew. It seemed to know things at times. One missed period wasn't bad was it? But she had more than one didn't she? She wasn't using the word yet, no wrong she was wrong. Taking a breath she spoke

you?" A warm feeling came to her and she swallowed. She wasn't sure if that was a "Yes you are,"

She felt like tearing her hair out all of a sudden, why was life so unfair? She stood for a second gathering her courage to

be, she read the list she wasn't what he needed for that to happen. She had to know, just to put her mind at ease. Perhaps it was something else. She could feel the

was a freaking house, it couldn't know such things. However she

feeling came to her. She felt tears starting to build, what would he do if he found out? It wasn't like she could hide

to be psychic and rather well developed. Those were the main two, and then a few others were written down as well. The bloodline she came from had to have been linked with previous psychic's. Along with specifics on when the said woman would be born. All of these added

She'd been adopted. It did say in the book that the first two were a must. The more the woman fit

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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