Chapter 262 All She Asks For Is Tranquility

Will looked at Eric with a puzzled expression when he mentioned merging with Caerulus Corporation.

Eric’s lips curled into a faint smile, a storm hidden in his eyes, as he calmly responded, “I’m just an employee at Caerulus Corporation. It would be better for you to discuss this directly with my stepfather, Mr. Smith. I don’t have the authority to make decisions on this matter.”

Confused, Will furrowed his brow and asked Eileen, “What’s going on here?”

Eileen, feeling flustered, replied, “I’m not aware of this matter, Father. He must be drunk.” She subtly squeezed Jasper’s hand and gently shook her head, saying, “Jasper, Eric will take good care of the company. Can we stop discussing this? Let me take you back to your room to rest.”

Jasper, ignoring Will’s increasingly gloomy look, drank the red wine in his glass and continued, “Father and Mr. Snow can discuss this matter. Once you two have reached an agreement, feel free to come find me at Smith Corporation. I’d be more than happy to make Caerulus Corporation the second largest subsidiary of Smith Corporation.”

Eileen then escorted the drunken Jasper back to his room. He rarely socialized and had little tolerance for alcohol.

By the time Eileen helped him onto the bed, he was already completely drunk, his hand resting over his eyes. Eileen tucked him in and said, “I’ll go make you a hangover remedy. Just bear with the discomfort for

a bit.”

As she was about to leave, Jasper grabbed her wrist.

Eileen turned to look at him and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Did what I just say upset you? You don’t want me to take over Eric’s position at Caerulus Corporation, do you?”

replied, “No, you’re

“Every time you face a question you don’t want to answer, or when you lie

and said, “Jasper, when it comes to the company’s business, my father never allows me to get involved or manage it. For many years, Eric has been holding up the family. My

of becoming a subsidiary of Smith Corporation. It’s really hard for me to

“Actually, you don’t have to do this. My feelings for him are in the past. Eric is already with Vera, so no one poses a threat to you. And as

her with deep affection. “I’m sorry, but seeing him reminds me of what you did to him. I’m just jealous because you’re being so nice to him. Can you share a bit of the kindness you show him with me in

his hand and replied, “Sure thing.


coaxed him, Eileen got up and left, descending the

few cups of coffee to Will, who was sitting on

some hangover remedy before she nervously approached Will. “Father, his words earlier

say anything to her. After all, she was now

I never thought that Mr. Smith would listen to you so much, Eileen… It seems like you definitely made the right choice by marrying into this family. Isn’t that right,

the person beside her,

peeled for him. “As long as Eileen is happy, how could I, as her brother, not be happy? However… I am

sparkled in his deep eyes. Eileen’s heart skipped a beat. The hand resting on her knee clenched tightly, her fingernails digging into her palm due to nervousness.

If I fall into his hands, I’ll definitely be done for! From the very beginning, Eric didn’t want me to get close to Jasper because he was wary of the Smith family’s power. However, his ultimate goal was to have control over the Swan family, to have it within his grasp at any time. All I wanted was to live a peaceful

managed to force a smile at him

them to take

Had Eileen not seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn’t have known that Jasper had secretly prepared so many gifts behind her back. Expensive jewelry. coffee beans, and

cars arrived, but

clearly showed how much Jasper valued

hadn’t completely fallen in love with Jasper yet, but she didn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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