Reborn: Another Chance To Leave Up

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 202

Chapter 202 I Am His Fiancée

Anava had no smile on her face. “This is the first time I met you today. Ms. Glles. Yet you brought so many people to

frighten me. Why do you think I will see you again?”

“Because it’s not up to you.”

Layla walked in front of Anaya, their leight and aura equal, neither losing to the other.

“Ms. Dutt, you took away what should have belonged to me. I’m afraid you will see me a few more times before I get my thing back.”

Hearing this, Anaya frowned, “I don’t know you, so how could I take away your things?”

The smile on Layla’s face disappeared. The corners of her lips turned down, and there was a bit of hatred in her eyes. “You took away my fiancé. You told me you didn’t know me?”

“You like Joshua?” Anaya thought for a moment.

“I don’t like that half-hearted playboy.”

Hearing Layla’s denial, Anaya had a vague answer in her heart


When Anaya thought of that name, she felt a little uneasy. “Then who is it?

Layla said word by word, “Jared.”

Jared was Hearst.

“He… is your fiancé?” Anaya suddenly felt suffocated.

Anaya thought, why had Hearst never mentioned this to her?

Hearst clearly had a fiancée, yet he still pursued me?

Layla saw that Anaya looked a little pale and smiled, “Ms. Dutt, you don’t look very well. I live in this hotel. Do you want to go up and have a rest?”

“No, thanks.” Anaya calmed herself down. “You said that Jared was your fiancé, but why have I never heard him mention it?”

that he had an engagement with me on purpose to pursue

stared at Layla and said with

naine, Anaya did waver for a


was clear about Heart’s

had a fiancée, he would

had said that he was different

Aiaya believed Hrarst.

sad is true Jared is my fiance. The smile on Layl’s

Anaya di not intend to waste

look at Elvis and said, “We’ve finished

better to connect

even been polite to Elvis at the dinner table because she was not clear

on Layla’s

do it next time.” Elvis noticed the slight displeasure in Anaya’s tone and siniled

nodded and prepared to

believe what I said?” Layla took two steps

dark eyes cold and calm. “So what if I believe

Layla gritted her tecth.

to leave, but she did not expect that Anaya would not believe it at

would have already called to question the man, but Anaya seemed

lave only known each other for

from Jared. He is not someone you can afford

to be with

a wedge between them, so she simply pointed it out and did not beat around the


words were absolute as if Anaya was so

curled into a sneer. “Whether I deserve it or not isn’t up to you, but

see me because

guessed right about Layla’s

would not agree to let go, so

did not

and Anaya knew that she had

you think it will help you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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