Reborn: Another Chance To Leave Up

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 204

Chapter 204 Are You Jealous?

On the way liome, Joshua didn’t look liat happy.

Since Joshua canceled the wedding, he had been busy all day, coordinating all parties and paying public relations to remove the trending on Twitter.

When he was fully occupied with a shit load of work, Anaya was spending her time with Hearst. How could his mood be


That woman always showed up in front of Joslitia with Hearst, trying to anger him on purpose!

Why on earth did he cancel the wedding impulsively just for Anaya?

Lexie was a thousand times better than Anaya!

Although lie thought so, Joshua knew very well that no matter how bad Anaya was, he could not really forget her and let go.

At the entrance of Maltz’s home, Lexie sat in the car, waiting for Joshua to return.

She went to the company to see Joshua this morning, but Joshua was not there.

Lexic tried to call him, but he was so busy that he had no time to talk to her at all.

Lexie had a lot of work to do today, so she could only put aside the matter of her conflict with Marisa and focus on her


Half an hour ago, Lexie called Joshua again to ask for his location.

Joshua told her that he would be back in an hour. So Lexie drove to Malz’s place to wait for him.

She wanted to get into the house, but Cecilia didn’t allow her to enter at all. So Lexie could only wait at the door.

Seeing Joshua’s car driving over from alar, Lexie lurriedly got out of the car and stood by the roadside.

The Bentley stopped in front of her, and Joshua got out of the car.

The night wind was chill. The air was full of the coldness of late autumn.

“Why didn’t you get inside?” Joshua frowned.

Lexie forced a smile but did not say anything.

She did not complain, but Joshua could guess that it should be Cecilia who did not allow Lexie to enter the house.

Joshua opened his mouth, trying to tell her to get in with him.

he could say anything, he suddenly remembered Anaya’s face and

urge to break up with

moment and asked, “Why do you want

Joshua arrived, she would be able to

a pitiful look, she might even be able to stay

have the intention of asking her

didn’t mention it, Laxle couldn’t

her head and looked aggrieved. “Joshua, the video of me and my sister today was shot by someone who had

also saw the video when

the video, he immediately forgot about it and turned


about it, he was a little

Lexie’s affairs become


and said, “It’s fine. I know that you didn’t do it on purpose. It must be Marisa

words, Lexic was secretly

in Joshua’s heart. She did not expect Joshua to not care at all and even

But when she raised her eyes to look at Joshua, the joy and

was as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him. His

past, Joshua would have said a

he only said a few

not that he

was that he did not care

occupied by

good that you believe me.

had no patience to deal with her, and he said, “it’s getting late. You should

thought that this might be the case. “I want

Joshua came, she

did not ask to keep her,

she would not need to use this

things didn’t go on as she

said without hesitation, “Alex will send

was stunned for a

want to ask her



I’m getting inside


quickly left, leaving Lexic

stood still, gritting

for quite a while,

ran over and ran around her,

squatted down and tried

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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