Reborn: Another Chance To Leave Up

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 212

Chapter 212 I Don’t Need You Anymore

Hearst usually looke mature and steady. Ile wouldn’t betray his emotions easily, but he would occasionally be childish and jealous.

Anaya thought about it and could not help but laugh out loud.

Hearst looked up at her, his lonca little cold, “What’s funny?”

Anaya shook her head.

Hearst didn’t ask any further. He folded the handkerchier in his hand and prepared to throw it away later.

“Let’s go.” Hearst held Anaya’s hand again with his empty right hand.


The intimate tone of the two made Joshua, who was beside thein, a little annoyed.

Did these two people think that Joshua didn’t exist?

Seeing that Hearst and Anaya were about to leave, Joshua hurriedly said, “Stop right there!”

Hearst and Anaya didn’t respond to him and continued to walk forward.

“Can’t you hear me?” Joshua gritted his teeth and walked forward quickly, blocking the two of them.

“Sorry, I only heard dogs barking just now. I didn’t hear you, Mr. Maltz.” Anaya pursed her lips into a smile.

“Are you calling me a dog?”

“Mr. Maltz, you can take it in whatever you want.”

Joshua’s face was gloomy. It was care that he did not bellow at Anaya.

Joshua hesitated for a long time and finally asked, “Are you dating Hearst?”

Anaya and Hearst were too intimate tonight. Just as the others had said, deep affection flowed from their eyes

whenever they met.

Anaya said indifferently, “No.”

Joshua was delighted. Then Anaya continued, “But more or less.”

of an ordinary couple. They just didn’t

just a

Alleye was tot sure.

afraid of taking

that if she had to choose someone to spend the

words, Hearst

all of Asiaya’s

the Aaya had

these words came out of Anaya’s mouth at this moment, it felt even more pleasant


was clated, but Joshua was frustrated again. “Are you sure to

retorted, “Will I find another jerk like you

were harsh and merciless, but Joshua was not angry

seconds before finally asking, “Anaya, if I say that I want to pursue

interrupted him, “As I said before, it is impossible for me to stay in place and wait for

to do with each other.

to participate in the rest

pulled Hearst and walked

leave. The pain in liis chest grew wildly

times Joshua


backs disappear into the elevator. After

had left, Lexie walked out of the

that Joshua had said to

made a choice between

long before Joshua completely

a haunting

grabbed her bag and tried

tonight, Lexie definitely could not lose

the sink, and wanted to take out the cosmetics, but she found that

She did not know whether it was because she pulled the zipper hard

Finally, she threw her bag, on the

of cracks. The bag fell back to the table and knocked off the shampoo and perfuine on the table, causing a loud

out of the cubkle and ran

waiting for her outside the door. Seeing her come out so quickly, she felt a little strange. “Why did you come

who is crazy. How would I dare to

only saw Lexie enter just now.Could it be that she is the one

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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