I picked up the call, Russel said, Oscar Morse is looking for you, did you block him?

Yeah, what does he want from me?I sat on the couch, eyes closed, resting.

I blocked Oscar when I went abroad. I used to try to find emotional balance through him, but then I realized he was innocent too, dragged into emotional drama at such a young age. So, I blocked all his contacts.

Don’t you think it’s heartless to ghost people when you’re done using them?Russel said, but his tone was laced with amusement.

I couldn’t tell he was calling me heartless.

“I feel guilty,” I sighed. At first, I did use people for emotional comfort. But as time went by, I realized that the boy was actually pretty decent. I didn’t want to treat him like that anymore, so I ghosted him. That proves I still have a conscience.”

Yeah, you could say you have a conscience,Russel chuckled at my explanation.

Then he asked, So, what should I tell him if he comes looking for me?

Wait, Oscar actually tried to get in touch with Russel for information about me?

I didn’t expect him to care so much.

Feeling even more guilty, I thought for a moment before answering, Just teil him I went abroad for work after my divorce from Neil and won’t be back for a few years. If he needs help with work in the future, he can turn to you.

Russel seemed taken aback. He’s turning to me for work issues? Is he a med student?

No, but you’re capable of helping him with his work issues. Dr. Russel, doctors are known for being compassionate. You should lend him a handMy words left him in silence.

He was probably mulling over how being a kind doctor correlates with helping others find work.

Don’t worry,I quickly added, you can think of it as taking care of a younger brother for me. If you help him, I’ll owe you one.

wouldn’t mind owing him one.

how do you plan to repay me?”

it, Dr. Russel. Bonnie’s too fake. Marrying the wrong

other end of

he mocking me?

on pursuing Bonnie, then I wouldn’t try to

liked Bonnie? Why are you so certain that I’d fall for her? Russel inquired.

about Russel, but another part of me was convinced that

like her,”

aback. “But didn’t you tell me before that you fell for someone you couldn’t pursue because of certain circumstances?


“Why does it have to

What on earth was Russel saying?!

he referring to my marital status with Neil when

time, I was a bit puzzled, but I still believed everything would pan out like it did in my past life,

my rebirth mess


was just making a point. There are other women out there besides Bonnie. Why must I like her?

scared me,” I finally breathed a

wondered if Russel had noticed my awkwardness and intentionally

with Bonnie in the future. She’s her,

a lot. But I also realized that

should respect Russel’s present thoughts, not bind him with what might

I misunderstood you, I apologized sincerely.

and watch your diet, Russel reminded

for a while, I hung up. Just then, I received a notification from

had passed since my last checkup Time flew without my noticing.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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