Chapter 494

“I believe in him, too,” Karina responded, her voice strained with irritation. She finally got the hint and fell silent.

A thought suddenly crossed my mind. Could Louis be behind all of this? Or was there someone else involved?

For some reason, Russel came to mind.

But Russel was busy, working as a doctor in Eldoria. He wasn’t on speaking terms with his family because of me. It was unlikely he had time to meddle in Neil’s affairs.

Lost in my thoughts, we arrived at the base of Heavenly Mountain.

Heavenly Mountain was a sight to behold, majestic and awe-inspiring. It drew many visitors, some to sightsee and others to pray for good luck at the shrine.

Karina, holding Hiram’s hand, pointed toward a cable car. “Let’s take that up the mountain.”

“Alright. Let’s go.” Faith agreed without argument.

We split into two groups for the cable car ride. Faith and I were in one car, with her helping me look after the kids. Karina and Hiram took the other.

Faith was unusually quiet during the ride. It was clear that Whitmore Co. was in some serious trouble; otherwise, she would not be this upset. All I could do was avoid bringing up the subject and adding to her stress.

Eventually, Faith broke the silence. “Irene, I want Neil to send Karina away. We’ll compensate her generously. Essentially, we’re buying Hiram from her. Is that unfair?”

I’m not in a position to judge,” I sighed. “Neil and Karina were forced apart and never got

Faith sounded irritated. “If it wasn’t for me and

Whitmore family. No one could predict what would have

her manipulative tactics, including using Hiram, proved she was obsessive.

glanced at me, as if wanting to say something,

to reach the shrine. Standing on the cobblestone steps, surrounded by lush trees, I felt a

tranquil aura calmed me briefly, but that peace was short-lived as thoughts of the child Neil and I lost crept in. We

hard, and I struggled

grew solemn. She glanced at Serena in her arms and sighed, “Serena, we’re here to say

didn’t react to our conversation.

to show sympathy. I just didn’t want her to see my vulnerability,

the shrine. It

a weight was lifted off my chest. If this could alleviate some of our guilt and

the past now,” Faith

my voice choked with

beloved grandchild, too. We just didn’t have the destiny to meet. I believe in karma and reincarnation. It gives me spiritual solace,” Faith said with a serene smile. You wouldn’t guess that she was

unable to find the words.

silent. Was it the events of last night, or was it

finally spoke. “Ms. Finch, did you know about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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