Chapter 499

Upon hearing my words, Russel’s expression finally shifted, his gaze filled with unfamiliar emotions.

At that moment, his phone began to ring. I instantly recognized the name ‘Karina’ flashing on the screen. She probably couldn’t find him and was calling to hurry him up.

The phone kept ringing, and I scoffed, “Aren’t you going to answer that? What if she gets impatient and your plans get derailed?”

Russel bluntly hung up the call, stowing the phone away before beginning to explain, “I don’t have any dealings with her.”

“You’re still lying to me even now. If you’ve truly gone against Whitmore Co. because of me, then I can tell you right now, no matter what, I won’t be with you. I can’t stand being toyed with like this!” My anger was reaching a boiling point and my tone grew increasingly irate.

“I’ve never lied to you. Everything I’ve done is for our future, don’t you understand?” Russel noticed my agitation and tried to reach for my hand, but I brushed him off.

“Don’t touch me!” I snapped, “Is this your way of saying you love me? Is this how you treat someone you care about?”

“Calm down first, hear me out.” Russel was always the composed one, even now he was trying to cool my temper. I was no match for him.

I tried to calm myself down because I hadn’t heard Russel’s explanation yet. I wanted to know how he would continue to deceive me.

Once the atmosphere in the car had somewhat subsided, Russel’s voice broke the silence, “I admit, I’ve been in contact with Karina recently, but it’s about the Whitmore family, not to deceive you, understand?”

“So for the sake of the Whitmore family, you and Karina plotted to ruin Whitmore Co.?” + felt like I was hearing a colossal joke. Karina can’t wait to marry Neil and join the Whitmore family, how could she help Russel destroy the Whitmore family?

went under, what benefit would she

marrying into the Whitmore family isn’t easy. She wants Neil,

believed a single word Russel said, it was because I was insane.

believe me?” Russel frowned slightly.

was colder than ever,

should know

liked me before, but he’s never used the word “love”. To bring it

wanting to waste more words, “If you say you love me, then stop everything. If you

I finished speaking, Russel’s composure finally shattered. He gritted his teeth, “Irene, why are you

only leverage I have over you, isn’t it?” I asked

was clearly angered by my threat, “I’m a

mouth and remained silent.

Russel stepped out of the car, slamming the door shut in a fit

last resort. I drove back to Bailey’s place, mentally and physically exhausted. Seeing my pale face, both he and Hannah

a play mat and Serena and Brandon were playing on it. I sat down quietly, joining the kids.

he…” Hannah glanced at Bailey before continuing, “What did he

in a few days.” I forced a smile, “Thank you for watching the kids today, were they

all. As long as someone is with them, they’re content. I hope my kid will be the same, I don’t want it to

looked at Hannah’s stomach in surprise,

scratched his head, grinning awkwardly, “Yeah, about three months along now, but you can’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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