Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 161

Chapter 161 I was Too Naive

It was obvious that Davian had just regained consciousness from being knocked out. He touched the back of his neck, looking dazed. “Mrs. Kooper, what happened? I heard they said that Mrs. Kooper Sr. had woken up.”

Kisa nodded. “Did you see the person who knocked you out?” she asked.

The mention of this made Davian angry, “I listened to your instructions and hid in the closet to monitor everything in the room, but there was no movement at all. I had to go to the toilet, so I decided to head out for a bit, but someone hit me in the back of my head with a stick. If I catch whoever did this to me, I’m going to kill them!”

Kisa was not surprised at Davian’s reply. As she expected, Sharon would never have let him see her when she knocked him out.

Davian saw her pained expression, and couldn’t help but ask, “Mrs. Kooper, what happened last night? Did you get answers when you questioned Sharon Case? When I was in there, I asked the others, but they didn’t even give me a glance.”

Kisa lowered her gaze and laughed at herself, “I was too naive and underestimated Sharon.”

‘If Davian hadn’t been knocked out, he could have witnessed Sharon hurting grandma. But…‘

a deep breath and said, “It’s nothing.

lost she felt. ‘I can’t

how you asked me to check

“Have you found it?”

the boys called me and said Sharon Case accompanied her mother, Carolyn Marshall, to the beauty salon that night. The people at the salon confirmed

as she felt more and more

to kill Mrs. Kooper Sr. in the middle of the night. The people at the beauty salon must be lying. Sharon might have also left in the middle of

only hope that grandma was not in her right

woke up again in the afternoon. The servants made her some food and brought it

did not dare to go in without Mrs. Kooper Sr.’s permission, because she did not want to

the door for a long time, Davian finally opened the door

Coas Teo Nave

the sound of that. She ignored the complex look Davian had in his eyes and walked into the room. But the kind


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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