Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 434

Chapter 434 You Covered Yourself so Well Back Then

“Concede defeat. What you desire is beyond your reach and what I despise the most. You will never beat me in your lifetime.”

Sharon’s eyes reddened with anger, and she said grimly, “I don’t believe you. Five years ago, I could put you in jail, and now I also can kick you out of show business and out of Gilbert’s sight.”

“It was you. It was you who set me up back then.”

“Heh. So what if it was me? I do not mind telling you that the night you slept with Gilbert was also part of my plan. Otherwise, how could I get rid of both you and Sara? I had a chance only when Gilbert, left with a broken heart, despised you and Sara.”

Kisa squinted her eyes. “You really covered yourself so well back then.” She remembered that Sharon of that year was timid and pitiable, always following behind them, not daring to speak out loud. Never did Kisa expect she had been scheming against her from the beginning.

you want and see if he will believe you. So what, even if he wants you to be the mother of his children? It is just a plot to bring you and the J & K

truth myself and let him see your evil face with his eyes.” Gilbert refused to believe her five years ago, and he would not believe her now. Instead of begging him to believe her, she thought

the Kooper family is on my side.” Kisa looked down. Madalyn’s attitude toward her now was a sore spot in her heart. Madalyn could not have done this to her for no reason, and she had to find out why. She sneered at Sharon, saying, “Don’t be too proud of yourself too soon. Now that Jensen is helping me, I’m sure we can find out what happened back

Sharon’s expression changed slightly.

her, then turned and walked out. Once out of the restroom, she thought for a

warm voice soon came

“Are you busy?”

“No. I’m not busy.”

out about the prison fire five years

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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