Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 559

Chapter 559 Kerrona Hill

A week was neither long nor short, so Kisa brought some daily necessities and a few sets of clothes for Blake. Winter clothes took up space, and a few pieces stuffed the luggage. Mia looked at her with disdain when she asked Jensen to help her bring out the massive purple luggage.

“It’s just a week, and everything is pre–prepared on the hill. Do you have to pack so many things as if you are moving house?”

Kisa laughed. “Better be prepared than sorry. They will come in handy. Who knows?”

Mia scoffed and took the lead in getting into the car. And this time, she sat in the front passenger seat while Kisa, Lea, and Blake were in the back.

Mia, whispering to Kisa, “Who is she? Why did she speak like

good heart. You will know

had a fleeting sense of sadness and guilt in

of a natural spring at the top, where it was warm in winter and cool in summer. Many people go there to escape the summer heat. The spring was exceptionally warm in winter, with many people going for the hot spring and not willing to leave all winter. But Kerrona Hill is far from Calthon, a six–hour drive away if the traffic was smooth. It was

traffic. But it was all smooth. By the time they reached Kerrona Hill, it was not yet 6.00 pm, and Blake had taken a long nap

the parking lot. But looking up the hill, it was brightly lit, like a city that never slept. The night had obscured the hill from a distance, while the brightly

on the hill. I will take you up

jacket and hat, and wrapped her scarf around Blake’s neck.

at heart. When he came to a new place, he was full of curiosity and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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