Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 542

Chapter 542 Conclusion

Outside the forensics office, Kisa anxiously twiddled her fingers. Her results were not out yet, and the doctor was making her wait longer. She looked at the clock on the wall, and her mood grew more and more restless.

She hated waiting, especially for the types of waiting where the results were unknown. Every minute and every second was an ordeal. Lea patted her shoulder to comfort her, ” Kisa, don’t be hasty. The results should come out very soon.”

Kisa lay back in the wheelchair, not making a sound. Lea looked at her anxious and fearful expression while her eyes flashed a glint of complexity.

Finally, the forensics office’s door opened, and a doctor holding a file case came out shouting, “Ms. Kisa Becker!” Kia was shocked and quickly pushed her wheelchair toward him.

“Your maternity test report is out. Take it,” the doctor said.

Kisa took over the file case, her heart trembling. Lea saw that she wasn’t in a hurry to open it, so she asked Kisa, “You’re not going to look at it?”

“I…” Kisa squeezed the edges of the file case. Her fingers shook lightly, and her heart filled with hesitation and nervousness.”

The sun today was great, and the yard had a lot of people. Many people were coming and

I’ll sit over there for a

Lea finished speaking, she sat on a

emotions. Kisa took a deep breath and flipped the case file over to

do this maternity test just to know the conclusion, right? Since I’ve already made my decision, I must face it bravely, Bravery requires only taking one

through it to see the conclusion at the bottom. Her

and Andrew Kooper have a DNA similarity

Becker and Ada Kooper have a DNA

Kisa’s eyes began to blur. The back of her palm pressed onto the tip

the beginning, didn’t I? Then why do I feel so hurt, deep down in my

would never become the mother of those two children. She raised her head and took a deep breath, trying to force her tears back in. But her tears would still flow down the corner of her eyes and flowed all the way

data seemed to taunt her and mock her for being so whimsical. Lea gripped the back of her seat tightly. She

They’re neither good nor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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