Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 157

Chapter 157 He Might Actually Strangle Me to Death

Gilbert glared at Kisa with bloodshot eyes, “My grandmother’s been in a coma for five years. Do you know how badly I want her to regain consciousness? Why do you keep on making me go through despair over and over again? Why?”

“I’m not! I just wanted to find the perpetrator that hurt Mrs Kooper Sr ”

“Aren’t you the perpetrator?” Gilbert growled.

Then, he tightened his grip. Kisa found it harder and harder to breathe

Kelvin quickly rushed over to pull him away, “Calm down, Gilbert.”

“Go away!”

Gilbert violently pushed Kelvin away.

Then, he flashed a sardonic smile at Kisa, “You’ve never stayed put. Never. Look at you. You managed to make my good friend and assistant listen to your orders and cooperate with you while I was completely kept in the dark. Hah… Haha… I’ve underestimated you.”

the feeling of suffocation grow stronger and

emotions instantly

would make him lose his temper. He might actually strangle me to

might and wheezed, “They… They just wanted to find Find out what


turn blue, he immediately


cried as if she were

won’t you leave me be, Kisa? Everyone knows that you were the one who hurt Mrs. Kooper Sr Did you think that putting on this show to deceive Gilbert would allow you

“Then what were you doing in Mrs. Kooper Sr ‘s room in the middle of the night? And why

told you. If you hadn’t opened the cupboard,

you explain Davian and Kelvin sleeping as if they had been knocked out? Moreover, you were the one who prepared our dinner just now You

I made you all that meal because I was happy that Mrs. Kooper Sr was about to wake up. Why do you seem fine if I did something

“That’s because…”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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