Reborn to Revenge

Chapter 18: Loved in A Fallen City

When Jocelyn heard the interrogation, her heart did a flip.She took a deep breath after settling down, pushed the door in and said generously.

"It's me."

The look of Stan and Monica changed after seeing the visitor clearly,but for the sake of face, Stan had to hold the anger to greet.

"Why did the sister-in-law come?"

Jocelyn looked at them and asked as if did not know.

"I just heard you are arguing. Marriage is a happy event. Why are you still so unhappy?"

It was obvious that she knew what the thing was,but deliberately asked, which made Stan looked worse.

"Sister-in-law should have misheard, we just spoke a little louder and didn't dispute."

Stan barely kept calm, when he looked at Jocelyn, there was contempt that could not be concealed in his eyes.In his eyes, Jocelyn was just an ordinary woman who was not spoiled and without power and status.

"If nothing happens, the sister-in-law had better go out. I and my wife still have something to say."

"Are you a couple?"Jocelyn looked at them carefully, her eyes became cold suddenly,and then said as if thinking of something.

"I remember that I saw the TV news that Mr. Judd offered a reward of 5 million dollars to find his fiancee yesterday.Today you're marrying another new love, I don't know how your fiancee whose whereabouts was still unknown would feel if she knew it."

"What do you mean?"Stan's look changed.

"It doesn't mean anything." Jocelyn slowly approached, "I just want to tell Mr. Judd and Mrs. Judd some truth, for example, if people walk too much at night, people will encounter ghosts.Another example is that tit for tat,it is a matter of course."

Before, in order to speak conveniently, only a lamp with weak light was turned on in the lounge. The light was shining on her face at the moment, her facial features were indistinct.The familiar look and resentful expression were imprinted in Stan's eyes, he immediately thought of a person and took a sudden step backward,his face turned white.

Monica didn't know what happened and said unhappily,"What do you mean? Don't play tricks to mess up secretly. You bully people depend on you are a member of the Morrison family.You......"

Before she had finished, the cold wind swept across her neck,Monica suddenly covered her neck with hand and looked at Jocelyn incredulously.

There was a obvious red trace on her neck, which was made by the necklace.Jocelyn held tightly the pendant inlaid with emeralds,she deftly pressed a veiled button by her fingers.The veiled button was turned on with a crisp 'Ding',she took the necklace out of Monica's hand without hesitation.

A loud and powerful word rang out in the room.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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