Chapter 367 Not to Take a Step Back

She was a bit confused to see Jonathan’s number on the screen.

“Mr. Brown?” she put it through and greeted him.

“Well, have you had breakfast?” asked Jonathan.

“Yes, why?”

“Where are you? I’ll come to you. We’ll talk about our project.”

Gloria was surprised. “You’re in San Diego?”

Jonathan pursed his lip and answered, “Yes.”

Gloria paused before saying, “I only have time this morning. After that, I’m not sure.”

“One morning would do. We could also have lunch together.”

me where you are. I’ll



was a club for rich people where

got there soon and was led to the box by

with undisguised admiration for

and came over. “Sorry to keep

was as soft as ever.

Gloria a glass of red wine and said softly, “Have a taste of this famous local wine. It’s excellent

sat across from him and took over the glass of

leisurely, “Is there anything

armrest of the

rhythm when he tapped the armrest, giving the atmosphere

and sinister eyes became clear as he smiled, “Would you believe it if I tell you I come here to San Diego just to

long, thick eyelashes quivered, and the next moment she said with a smile, “Does Mr. Brown make jokes

eyebrows and said somewhat seriously, “I am always serious when I am with

did not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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