Chapter 385 I Disagree 

Sheila said to Gloria in silence, “Go for it.”

Gloria smiled and nodded her head. Then Gloria followed Helen to Angela‘s office.

The moment Angela saw Gloria, she immediately felt energized. She simply wanted to destroy Gloria now.

Although the look in Angela‘s eyes quickly disappeared, Gloria sensed Angela‘s hostility.

She did not have to sit in a wheelchair. Could it be that Angela is trying to recover as soon as possible to be closer to Jordy now that they are back?

Angela looked at Sheila with a smile and said in a soft voice, “There you are. May I ask what you want to see me about?”

Helen hurriedly handed Angela Gloria‘s proposal and said in a respectful tone, “Miss White, Gloria went to negotiate with Brown Group for a partnership this time. Mr. Brown has agreed to work with our company, but he asked Gloria to go there personally to take charge of the project. She may have to leave the company for about four months. I can‘t make the decision, so I still need to ask your opinion.”

little surprised and said, “Did he agree to invest several

Jonathan that stupid? No! He was definitely not doing it for that

seen the proposal before, and it was not attractive enough for Jonathan to agree to it. Has Gloria altered


her, Angela couldn‘t wait to check out

many highlights and could be implemented perfectly, a jealous

have been able to write such a

proposal that


capable, Gloria will be appreciated by those executives. After all, she is the

Gloria might ask for

many people know Gloria has so many strong

next moment, Angela closed the

“Gloria, I won‘t agree.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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