Chapter 389 He Has Passed Away 

Gloria sighed, “What happened between you and father?”

“It‘s quite annoying. He kept letting me go back and pestered me to stop hating her. He just kept explaining to me but I think it was all excuses. My mother died because of him. I will never forgive him for the rest of my life.”

Gloria‘s eyes flickered, looking at Nydia‘s stern face. Then Gloria said calmly, “You have to face it sooner or later. And you may have some misunderstandings about many things. If you don‘t believe him, why don‘t you find a way to look into what happened that year?”

Nydia gritted her teeth and said with anger, “I remembered back in those days, my mother jumped from a building to kill herself in front of me. And it was because he was having an affair with another woman. It was absolutely true. What‘s there to explain?”

She looked up into Gloria‘s eyes and continued, “This time, he imprisoned me home. I knew he wanted me to forgive him. But even more, he wanted me to marry so that he could have connections. Why should I listen to him? He is no longer a father to me. He has other children as well. He has a son and a daughter with that woman. I mean, why doesn‘t he let the other daughter marry for him?”

After saying this, Nydia seemed to restrain herself and said helplessly, “Just look at me. I lost my temper again. I just thought I could control my temper if I hadn‘t drunk.”

happens, you should take care of yourself. Because there are still many people who care about

Thank you for

was still half full of food,

the call, “Do you

you all the time. Uncle Ted, don‘t you doubt it.” Nydia produced a totally different mood on the phone and spoke

must have something to tell me this time. Just go ahead and tell me, I can

are you free tonight? I

am. Come

we‘ll be there

I will

you are the best person in the world.” Nydia


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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