Chapter 382 The Laughing Stock 

In the beginning, Harold was to report every detail to Jordy.

But he still remembered what Jordy told him at that time. “You don‘t have to talk to me about these things.”

Thus, Harold decided not to report the details to him

Looking at Jordy‘s face darkened again, Harold said, as if he didn‘t see it, “Mr. Collins, shall we go?”

Jordy didn‘t say a word and got up. Then Harold hurriedly followed fordy 

Gloria went home and called Jonathan as soon as she finished unpacking,

Jonathan answered the phone quickly. He smiled and said, “What is it, my princess?”

Gloria frowned. She looked calm and said, “I‘m back. I‘m going to talk to the company about your previous request, so please give me some time. And I have two more projects to deal with. After that, I will start to take full charge of your project. Is that okay with you?” 

in Jonathan‘s eyes. “When did

and did not reply to his

an accident on

quite something. He is capable of knowing

problem. Mr. Brown, I‘m going to the office now. Wish me

it while Jonathan didn‘t ask for details, but he said, “Are

After a pause, Gloria said, “I‘ll

free to have dinner with me

bit at a loss. I just finished dealing with Mr. Waydell. Am I going to have to get involved with you

a doting smile and said, “You‘ll have to get used to this. I‘ll let everyone know I love you



phone, Gloria headed straight

with Jonathan‘s project, because it

with Jonathan and her cooperation with Hunter may be seen as something unusual in the eyes of the public. It could make the public, as well as executives, think that she only relied on her connections to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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