Chapter 864 Funny and Ironic

They attracted the attention of the others in the restaurant when they walked in. Some people had picked up their mobile phones to take pictures of them with surprised faces.

They actually saw Jordy and Gloria here!

How lucky they were!

Jordy and Gloria often appeared on TV as a sweet couple, so many people thought that they were perfect for each other. Even if they had got divorced, they still expected that they would get back together.

When the waitresses saw them, they were overjoyed and rushed to serve them.

Jordy and Gloria went to a position at random. They did not take the private room.

They sat opposite each other. The waitress held the menu. Jordy knew Gloria was not going to order food. He ordered some dishes directly. The waitress was attracted by his pleasant voice. Mr.

Collins’s voice was so melodious! It was pleasant to ear!

dishes that Jordy ordered were her favorite. He could be so thoughtful for cooperating with

it was funny

that it would only make Gloria

brought the food. Jordy looked at her and said in an indifferent voice, “Rest at home

at him, “Are you

for what just happened to the Collins Group?

have written the code with her. If she wanted to break into the company’s system and replace the code, she only needed to find out

my wound and it won’t affect

at her with

didn’t notice this, but continued calmly, “Our cooperation project can’t be delayed. I want to

were several implications in her last sentence,

White Group was waiting or her to go back

to take

White Group would be hers

recovered calm, “I can help you reclaim the White

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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