Resent, Reject, Regret

Resent Reject, Regret By Aqua Summers Chapter 60

Chapter 60 We Have Yet to Get a Divorce

Loathing his disgraceful behavior, he said, “The reason why I prioritize this matter is because I don’t want to owe Deirdre anything. She was forced by me to become the scapegoat and lost her sight in jail. If she were to be rendered mute, I would feel guilty for the rest of my life.”

“Really?” Charlene stopped crying in the meantime. “When are you going to marry me then? I understand that you couldn’t throw a grand wedding because of the motor vehicle accident before, but it has already been two years. Most people have already forgotten about the accident, so now is the best time for us to get married.”

‘Marry you?’

Brendan’s mind went blank, as he had never thought about this.

“You’ll have to wait a little longer.”

“Wait?” Charlene’s face turned ghastly pale, her hand clutching the wheelchair’s arm. “Why should I wait? Bren, have you fallen in love with Deirdre?”

“No!” Brendan immediately denied it. It sounded like a joke to him. “Deirdre and I have yet to get a divorce.”


never thought about

treated her well in every way. She had not pushed for the marriage due to the accident previously, yet she had not expected that Brendan and Deirdre would

the process together. She went to jail afterward. and the paparazzi were watching us closely, so I haven’t managed to do

displeased and hastily asked, “When

process as soon as she is discharged from the

only pacified

that they’d be getting a divorce immediately after Deirdre’s discharge from the hospital was a clear sign that Brendan

for a short chat before she left, while Brendan. stayed back in

he arrived at the hospital. Sam

“How is she?”

so he had assumed that Brendan was home resting. However, here was Brendan at

examined her. She’s doing alright, but her throat is swollen. She has been on an intravenous drip the whole night, so she is already asleep

it means that she is not in unbearable pain.’ Brendan acknowledged Sam’s reply and told him, “Leave this to me.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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