Resent, Reject, Regret

Resent Reject, Regret By Aqua Summers Chapter 52

Chapter 52 A Slim Chance of Survival

Brendan was willing to be a pillar for Deirdre to rely on. He wished for Deirdre to live a worry-free life until her last breath.

But it seemed that Brendan’s wish would never be

realized, as Deirdre was about to disappear from the world. It made him feel so much pain that he couldn’t breathe.

The doctor could understand Brendan’s feelings as he said, “We’re helpless too. Her lungs are punctured, and the injury she’s suffered is truly severe. What’s more, the patient doesn’t have any desire to live. Unless…”

Brendan’s eyes lit up when he heard that there was a slim chance to save Deirdre. “Unless what?”

“Unless renowned academic doctor Dr. Killton is willing to step out. Unfortunately, he’s not in Neve currently, and even if he was, he has already stopped performing surgery.


It wasn’t a helpful answer. Brendan tightened his fists and asked coldly, “What about Dr. Killton’s last student?”

student?” The doctor was startled but quickly recollected himself and replied, “In that case,

be given this opportunity if possible.

turned to Steven and demanded coldly, “Go tell Sterling about Deirdre’s current condition. He’ll come for

the emergency

table. Her face was pale as a sheet, and her weak breath had almost stopped. She

doctor had said that she had long given up

had truly given up on her life and whether she

and while resisting any thoughts of touching her face, he gritted his teeth and threatened her. “Deirdre McKinnon, I want you to

Sterling’s sake? Didn’t you want

working! If you dare give up, I promise that no matter where Sterling goes, he won’t

shouted, “The patient

“Deirdre, if you keep on living, I promise not to harm Sterling

moment Sterling rushed to her rescue up until the end of the operation, it took a whole eight hours

for two days. He was so tired that dark circles had appeared under his eyes, yet he stubbornly waited outside the door of the emergency room. He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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