Resent, Reject, Regret

Resent, Reject, Regret By Aqua Summers Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Charlene Won’t Dance Again Upon hearing that, Deidre clenched her fists so hard that her nails dug into her flesh. She would never forget that, of course. She would never forget how merciless this man was or that he had made her spend a year in agony. Deirdre’s body was shaking, but she calmed herself enough to open her eyes once again. Her glassy eyes were lowered when she made a mocking remark. “Why would you waste your breath here if you could send me there again? I believe that life wasn’t all that good to you after Brendan made me plead guilty. Am I right?”

Charlene’s face turned pale. Deirdre was right. She had assumed that the relationship between her and Brendan would grow after Deirdre was imprisoned and they would get married and have children.

However, Brendan had suddenly grown more distant. Even though he had never declared it openly, Charlene knew that Brendan blamed her for the hit-and-run. He also blamed her for getting Deirdre imprisoned.

Charlene’s eyes were burning with hatred and disgust. She figured that she would have been the one imprisoned at the time had she not lied about her body not being able to withstand being in jail after the fire!

“The worst part for me was going under the knife, and I had to endure some pain to get rid of your obnoxious

face. However, it’s different for you.” Charlene cracked a smile and whispered in Deirdre’s ear, “Your child died a tragic death, didn’t it?” Deirdre’s entire body froze.

Charlene looked at her freshly-manicured nails and said in a casual tone, “Someone sent a photo to me and I saw it. That poor little babe was almost fully formed, yet it was turned into mush, tossed in the trash, and fed to a pack of wild dogs.

found it disgusting. He refused to take an extra glance,

her voice when she uttered the

she only managed to brush her fingertips

she heard the loud noise and the woman’s agonized scream.

her gaze. ‘So that’s how

her legs so that she could not move. “Brendan, my legs hurt… Are they broken? Am

Deirdre coldly before he carried Charlene out the door

though Deirdre could not see, she could feel the man’s intense anger and

vent his anger.

slap if he was not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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