Resent, Reject, Regret

Resent, Reject, Regret By Aqua Summers Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Take Me Away

“Deirdre! Deirdre!”

Brendan’s pupils constricted in fear. He tossed away the umbrella to pick up the woman and took her back to the room without any concern about the mud on her body.’

On the other hand, Deirdre’s breathing was weakening with each passing second. Her entire body was ice-cold, and the only body heat left was on her face. She was running a high fever.

“I won’t let anything bad happen to you!”

He clenched his teeth. Steven would have been astonished for sure if he was there, as Brendan was speaking with a voice tainted with unprecedented anxiety.

“Do you think you can get away just by losing consciousness? Do you think that you can put an end to everything just by doing this? That would be impossible! Deirdre , you’re mine for life and you’ll be buried in my family’s tomb when you die! Don’t even think about extricating yourself. Don’t even think about it!”

and increased the heater’s temperature before he called up a doctor. He smoked a cigarette in agitation as he waited at the door. The

the room. He frowned and said, “How could you leave her in her wet clothes? It’s going to worsen her

away the blanket but was caught off guard when Brendan grabbed his wrist. Brendan said, his dark eyes filled with a foreboding . presence, “I’ll do it.” “Ah, ah… I shall excuse myself for a moment then.” The doctor was stunned by Brendan’s gaze. He had not been planning on removing Deirdre’s clothes initially.

intact part left on it. However, Brendan treated her as though

out his

the high fever. Her figure was not considered enticing, yet

got rid of those

clothes. When he was done, he


let the doctor in. After the examination, it was too late for Deirdre to

off guard when it pierced her arm. She furrowed her eyebrows tightly from the pain,

that works on her now. Her body is too weak, and she was in the rain while having a fever. She’s going to die, so the intravenous drip won’t work

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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