Resent, Reject, Regret

Resent Reject, Regret By Aqua Summers Chapter 402

Chapter 402 I Don’t Want the Ferris Wheel Ride!

‘G-Grab Kyran’s arm?”

Deirdre lifted her fingertip and realized, belatedly, that she had been sitting this close to him the entire. time. She could touch his finger from her end!

“You misunderstood, sir. We’re not a couple,” she explained hastily.

“Are you sure about that, miss? Because your not-boyfriend has been looking at you with goo-goo eyes. the whole time!” The driver teased, laughing. “No need to be shy. I’ve been there. I know what it’s like.”

Deirdre froze and suddenly felt a pair of burning gaze landing on her. She lowered her eyes, and suddenly, the man’s fingers walked into hers before depositing a firm, solid object in her palm.

Deirdre felt it for a moment before realizing it was a pair of Bluetooth earpieces. Perplexed, she plucked them into her ears and heard Kyran’s mechanical voice, “We’re getting close. Remember to stay close to


opted to use this method as their means of communication in a crowd, but it also meant that she was the only one who could hear him

air around them just

flying, eyes getting rosy, the whole shebang, huh? You two could

nothing she said could dissuade the driver from his verdict by this point, so she kept quiet. It did not stop the latter from running out of topics, though. The driver

he did.

troubled. Had they picked

a step forward and heard Kyran’s voice in

one typing with a firm purpose, “You

into something? Deirdre did not feel anything nearing her just now, but if Kyran said it,

The warmth in his palm wrapped itself


do anything too extreme. I don’t want your injuries


“Ferris wheel?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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