Resent, Reject, Regret

Resent Reject, Regret By Aqua Summers Chapter 443

Chapter 443 That’s Unfair to Kyran

Declan’s expression darkened for a split second. He took his seat on the couch and explained, “It’s

nothing big. Just Brendan Brighthall’s health. They found blood in his sputter and vomit, so they declared he is in critical condition. That sort of thing will throw any hospital into chaos just because Brendan isn’t some small fry. If he dies here, the media’s going to have a field day.”

‘Critical condition…”

Deirdre’s heart wrung for a second. “What happened? Why is it so serious?”

“Not because of some freak accident, I bet,” replied Declan. “I distinctly recall him as being quite ill, or he wouldn’t be confined to his ward as soon as he’s hospitalized. His current condition is probably expected.”

Deirdre exhaled slowly. Maybe this was what Brendan deserved, after all. She said nothing, and yet she heard Kyran suddenly type, “The world will be better without him.”

Deirdre was bewildered. She had never seen Kyran express hostility comparable to the animosity he displayed now. Not even Tobey, who he treated as his love rival, earned this much contempt. Kyran would even help Tobey if he was in trouble!

say that?” Deirdre questioned gingerly. “Is

grudge. Just hate his

He strutted around like he was the

Deirdre’s voice was low. She did not expect them to share such a

“I’m going out for

Deirdre nodded.

for the man to go before finally asking, “Miss

out-Madame Brighthall’s request kept coming back to her mind’s eye. Declan’s question managed to pull her out of

He had never looked

“Upset about what?”

“Brendan’s condition.”


have made you make that face?” replied Declan. “I might not have paid you this particular issue that much attention in the past, but I feel the need to stress this. You’re Kyran’s girlfriend now. I’m not going to let you enjoy Kyran’s love and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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