Resent, Reject, Regret

Resent Reject, Regret By Aqua Summers Chapter 467

Chapter 467 They’re the Same Person

Gnashing her teeth, Charlene chuckled coldly. “Well, well, well, it seems that you still remember me, my old friend. I thought you had already forgotten about me.”

Deirdre did not say anything in return. She just clenched her fists. She could not fathom Charlene’s anger

at all.

By right, Charlene was the winner in life.

She got together with Brendan. They were going to get engaged soon, and she could stay with Brendan all the time. Everyone knew that she was the future Mrs. Brighthall, so Deirdre did not understand why she was so angry.

“If you didn’t make such a big fuss and abduct me, I would have already forgotten about you. After all, we’re two people from two different worlds. There’s no way our paths would intersect.”

from two different worlds?” Charlene’s pretty face was contorted with anger. She stabbed her nails into Deirdre’s face and snarled sarcastically, “If that’s what you think, then you

me! If you think you can make Brendan go back to you if you give him that puppy- eye look of yours, then you’re terribly wrong!” she shouted, her

not want to die, so she explained, “Did you misunderstand something. Miss McKinney? Brendan isn’t the

you think I’ll believe

not lying!” Deirdre took a deep breath and continued. “I came to this hospital to take care of Kyran. If you don’t believe


“Yes!” Deirdre nodded.

smile and said, “Deirdre, do you think I’ll believe

said seriously, “Why don’t you go and check with the hospital yourself? I’m sure you’ll know if I’m telling the truth or lying after that. Taking someone else’s life is a great felony. The men we love are different people. If you let me go, I can pretend that

her face. Her face was distorted by rage as she hissed.” Dierdre, are you really stupid, or are you just pretending to be one? I’ve been in the hospital for so many days,



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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