Resent, Reject, Regret

Resent Reject, Regret By Aqua Summers Chapter 471

Chapter 471 He’s Just Kyran

Declan found a woman crying with her face covered in the room when he rushed to the

hospital overnight. He knew that the woman’s name was Reily Grant.

Reily saw him at the same time and acted as if she had found her savior. “Mr. King!”

“I’m aware of the situation. Where’s Kyran?”

“Mr. Reed is at the police station.”

“Has he lost his mind? He should be resting in bed!” Declan furrowed his eyebrows

tightly and made a call while he headed to the police station.

The call was not picked up all along. Declan arrived at the police station’s entrance to

find Kyran standing inside by himself, holding his phone and wearing a hospital gown.

He did not have a jacket on but a police officer’s coat. 1

Enter title…

All of the police officers were rather respectful to him.

In fact, one of them had even served him a cup of hot water. “Sir, have this…”

Declan walked over swiftly and grabbed the man’s arm. “What are you doing, Kyran!?

Didn’t I tell you that I’ve already sent someone to look into this? You shouldn’t be on your

feet for a prolonged period since you just recently had surgery. Go

man did not move. His initially ailing

and his dark

pulled his arm free

“I must save

time, he did not speak


the people at the scene

officer came and rifled

the situation.

her. I believe we’ll be able to locate Miss McKinnon soon

Declan looked toward Kyran. He had never seen Kyran

fault for putting her in harm’s way.” Kyran spoke in an

“I should have stopped her when she told me

wanted to go out. I should have known that it was

fault?” Declan’s expression grew

voice. “No

be avoidable.” Kyran clutched the object in his hand

Declan looked over and discovered that those were two flight

said in a self-mocking tone, “I had it all planned. I would take her with me a

give her the life she wants. She can

house full of pets if she enjoys having pets. I’m

take care of her, and ensure that she will not be in

will have is

choked up. He found his voice after

in Eastgene?

it means to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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