Chapter 944 Leaked Photos

"Nothing makes a man wanna protect more than his ego, right? Especially someone like Brendan.We can see that from what happened a few years ago.How could someone like that even allow news of himself being cucked to be leaked to the world? It just doesn’t make sense."

The man sank into a pensive silence.

The underling was not wrong, yet he could not help but think something was amiss about this entire event—even if he could not connect Brendan to the mastermind.

A long beat later, the man finally broke his silence.

"Charlene McKinney is not salvageable by this point.Time to use this.Add fuel into Brendan’s chaos."

Three days later, another story related to Charlene made the rounds.

This time, intimate photos between herself and other men were under the spotlight.

The leaker had stories, too.

While Charlene was "a sl*t", Brendan was described as someone whose apparent chastity and self-control were completely faked.

so his instinct was to protect Charlene after her promiscuity was revealed and

some believability to the

Brendan became the center of the

very problematic players this whole time? I didn’t even expect him to be like that.He looks

fly.Honestly, this whole thing only came to light by accident, and now we now.If Brendan was as innocent

think this leaker has got to be their friend or

more believable,

sex.novelebook Worse, he’s kinky asf and hurts them for his pleasure instead of

sake! The Brighthall Group needs someone other than this piece of sh*t to lead them already.What’s the use of being a business

online discourse easily turned

up to the commentaries while doing her grocery shopping—returned, she needed time just to

will jump to conclusions before anything’s even certain

will apologize to him for misunderstanding him and then point their fingers

her palm

do your groceries online

Mrs.Engel chose her cooking ingredients,

be loose all she wants, but dragging Mr.Brighthall through the mud like that!? God, he should have never taken

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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