Sasha sent Vivian and Ian to their preschool.

It was the same one, but the Hayes had brought in a brand new team to run the school.

“Remember to come to pick us ya, Mommy!” Vivian reminded her repeatedly at the gate. She had gotten over her disappointment and was back to being the little clingy angel she used to be.

“Of course! I will bring a strawberry cake for my sweetie. And Ian, I will make you your favorite berry pie, ya,” Sasha joyfully promised them.

“Yes!” The cool little guy, Ian, could not hide his excitement and nodded happily.

After they entered the school compound, Sasha immediately went back home. She was extremely worried and wanted to examine Matteo herself to find out what was wrong with him.

Unfortunately, there were already a few men in black guarding the gate when she arrived.

“Ms. Wand, Mr. Hayes has given instructions that you are not allowed into the house.”

“Why? I am the children’s mother. Why can’t I go in?”

“He said you should know the reason. He wants you to leave immediately or we will have to throw you out.” The men coldly gave her the ultimatum.

Sasha did not expect this brutal blow.

know the

time when I said I don’t want the kids

made in

panicked and hurriedly tried to explain to the men. “Please, listen to me. I said those words during a heated quarrel with him. It was

your conversation. We are only acting on Mr. Hayes’ instruction. Please do accordingly, Ms. Wand.” The men did not mince their words and had

she had not expected Sebastian would be so harsh

not want the kids anymore and then disappeared from their lives for a full two months. It wasn’t wrong of him to be angry or to stop

stared longingly at the house

she left, the men made a call., “Mr. Scott, we have gotten rid of

a loss for words. He glanced toward the closed door

he heard Sasha was

at everyone who crossed his path and traumatized all the

Why the calmness?

is he waiting for

Luke was deeply disturbed.

Scott, the receptionist at the lobby called to say a Ms. Wand

sputtered out the tea in his

It really is Murphy’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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